Em Siroun Webcast, os jovens compartilham histórias e ideias com colegas globais sobre o genocídio armênio

Como é viver um genocídio em massa e o que podemos aprender com isso?

The Global Nomads Group (GNG) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada a motivar a aprendizagem intercultural, conectando os jovens virtualmente com seus colegas ao redor do mundo e usando (nesse caso) filme como um estímulo para ensinar tolerância. No filme da GNG,Siroun Webcast, agora em exibição no canal do YouTube da Planet Classroom Network, students from the United States, Jordan and Armenia connect virtually to talk about the Armenion Genocide. The young people reflect on their takeaways from a short virtual reality (VR) filme, Siroun, that immerses audiences into a story from a rural Ottoman village during the Armenian Genocide.

Siroun was created to extend the central theme of A promessa, um 2016 feature film by Director Terry George set in the final years of the Ottoman Empire, immediately before the Armenian Genocide. “Lack of tolerance starts with fearfear of someone being different,” says George, who appears with the students in the film as they speak about the importance of documenting history and acknowledging the issues of today.

Audiences will find themselves curious and empathetic to the people in Siroun and those who were affected by the Armenian Genocide. Siroun Webcast is an incredible watch that makes us wonder how the capabilities of virtual reality can be used to further education and understanding of the world as a whole. As one student noted in the film, her experience “made everything more personal; it made everything more real.”

I would give this film a 5 de 5 estrelas. It was fascinating hearing the different takeaways of the students and their connections with what they learned through this experience. The film itself was very entertaining and eye opening. It made me watch the virtual reality film itself, which I also recommend checking out.

Patricia é uma estudante da Portland State University com especialização em Cinema com especialização em Artes Teatrais. Além de seu estágio na CMRubinWorld como estagiária de edição de áudio / vídeo, ela é editora de video, Representante AAPI, e cadeira cultural da Associação de Estudantes Filipino-Americanos da PSU: Amigos, being an advocate for the Fil-Am community and leading the cultural events for the organization.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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