全球搜索教育: 讓世界更容易理解

“講故事是解釋複雜的情況下的最有人情味和強大的形式之一。” – 伊娃多明格斯

數字時代的學生正在準備自己一個日益互聯的世界, 這使得他們能夠在任何地方工作, 是好奇和精明的時事, 不斷適應和磨練自己的技能為還不存在的工作. 數字的能力是毫無疑問的一個至關重要的技能有, 但同樣重要的是有效地用在數據和信息交互的能力.

伊娃多明格斯是MINUSHU的創始人兼董事, 一個初創致力於創造與AR和VR技術的創新故事體驗, 和女書的創造者, 對國際時事的動畫冒險系列,它使用增強現實和虛擬現實技術,目前全球的新聞故事給孩子. 多明格斯認為,孩子應該有相同的“正確獲取信息作為成年人”,並且讓他們參與他們的世界的最好辦法就是要告訴在配合和令人信服的方式的故事和敘述.

全球搜索教育 非常高興地歡迎伊娃多明格斯講故事的新時代在數字化時代.

“它教導其他國家的問題,同情和給予對其他文化的理解和尊重, 這將增加孩子的涉外場所的理解。” – 伊娃多明格斯

伊娃, 什麼樣的研究你使用AR技術的影響做8到12歲? 你學到了什麼? 它是如何提升用戶體驗?

我們的團隊在女書,因為我們在觀念上已經進行了兩類研究 2016. The first research is an ethnographic research study conducted with our initial clients, which lasted for the entire school year. This project helped with our understanding of how exactly NUSHU would be implemented in a live classroom setting. For the second round of research, we created a pilot for 60 teachers to use for 3 個月. The teachers then evaluated our pilot and we continue to use these evaluations to better craft our product.

How can a virtual character like NUSHU help to narrow the “skills gap” and even the “global citizen gap”?

Storytelling is one of the most human and powerful forms of explaining complex situations. Through the virtual character of NUSHU, it becomes a fun and interactive method of learning for children. NUSHU is a series of adventures for an extraterrestrial that has been tasked on a mission to understand humanity and to come up with possible solutions to the problems that will be left for future generations on earth. At NUSHU, we emphasize media literacy and critical reasoning on global issues. 它教導其他國家的問題,同情和給予對其他文化的理解和尊重, which will increase children’s understanding of foreign places.

We have found that through the conversational nature of NUSHU, students are rendered the opportunity to reflect on what they are taking in and then apply it to their curriculum.” – 伊娃多明格斯

How are teachers using NUSHU within curriculum? Do you have an example?

Each of our missions provides different opportunities within the curriculum. An example that comes to mind is when one of our teachers needed to implement a Digital Health segment into their classroom. We had multiple missions like deterring Fake News and defining Digital Privacy that were applicable to the topic the teacher wished to cover. And through our teaching guides, they had supplemental materials at their fingertips ready to be applied in a classroom setting. Through our teaching guides, we encourage activities like experiments, 項目, debates, 播放, and further research. We have found that through the conversational nature of NUSHU, students are given the opportunity to reflect on what they are taking in and then apply it to their curriculum. Teachers have utilized our teaching guides and NUSHU’s mission on Suffragettes and their influence on women’s rights.

How do kids participate/interact with the NUSHU narratives? Can you share any specific stories that would illustrate the impact of the interaction, or share a video clip?

Because of NUSHU’s conversational nature, the learning occurs very organically and the participation from children is essential to the concept of the product. So when they begin to play games and explore the world with our augmented alien, they will develop a sort of repertoire with NUSHU and will be more inspired to learn because they’re also teaching themselves. At the end of every mission, we ask students to do their own research on the topic. After they have felt this sense of ownership and mastered the topic, they are more inclined to continue their search for knowledge. Children have interacted with NUSHU to create plays about the topics they covered.

At the end of every mission we ask students to do their own research on the topic.” – 伊娃多明格斯

How would you quantify your feedback/achievements to date with students aged from 8 對 12 歲? 什麼是你所面臨的最大挑戰?

Teachers and children have absolutely loved NUSHU and their experiences with the product. We have a 100 percent recommendation rate from schools that have implemented NUSHU into their classrooms, and our feedback from students has been very positive. 這裡 is a link to our YouTube channel which shows children’s responses to NUSHU and why they enjoyed their experience with the app. Our biggest challenge up to this point has been exposure to markets outside of Catalonia. As a small startup, resources are very limited and time is of the essence.

How are you planning to build/develop the NUSHU intellectual property in the next 10 歲月? 什麼是你的主要目標?

NUSHU is a transmedia concept, a new age of storytelling. Kids see NUSHU as a friend or a resource to help them understand the world. In the next 10 歲月, 我們希望發展和擴大女書幾乎所有的媒體平台, 其中將包括電視, VR, 書籍, 漫畫和視頻遊戲. 我們希望成為一個全球性的品牌與世界各地的公立和私立學校的影響. 為此, 我們一直在尋找不同國家的分銷商,並已經開始尋找如何擴大到未開發平台.

C.M. 魯賓和伊娃多明格斯

感謝您對我們的 800 加上全球貢獻者, 教師, 企業家, 研究人員, 企業領導, 從每個域對學習的未來與您分享觀點的學生和思想領袖 全球搜索教育 每月.

ç. M. 魯賓 (凱茜) 是CMRubinWorld的創始人, 在線出版公司,專注於全球學習的未來和地球課堂的聯合創始人. 她是三本暢銷書和兩個廣泛閱讀網上系列的作者. 魯賓收到 3 厄普頓·辛克萊獎“全球搜索教育”. 倡導青年的系列於 2010 並匯集了來自世界各地的傑出的思想領袖,共同探討所面臨的國家的關鍵教育問題.

按照ç. M. 魯賓在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld


作者: ç. M. 魯賓
