Volta ao Mundo em 30 Dias – Abril 2016

Volta ao Mundo em 30 Dias – Abril 2016

C. M. Rubin’s Global Education Report In the profit-above-all-world of digitization and automation, a ética e a natureza do profissionalismo parecem estar em questão e sob ataque de todos os lados. Os novos robôs no bloco fornecerão a mesma experiência e múltiplas inteligências que esperamos dos especialistas humanos? What can be done to preserve and strengthen the quality of our professions and what does this mean for learning that...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Planet Earth needs a new ‘Billionaires’ Lista

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Planet Earth needs a new ‘Billionaires’ Lista

What if we defined Billionaires as entrepreneurs helping to solve earth’s most pressing challenges? What if we disrupted Forbes Magazine criteria for its annual Billionaire’s list? What if we defined Billionaires as entrepreneurs helping to solve earth’s most pressing challenges? Surely humanity, and the whole of planet earth, deserve a new type of Billionaire? Como o Dr.. Howard Gardner points out, “the biggest...

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Em todo o mundo em 30 Dias – Abril 2015

Em todo o mundo em 30 Dias – Abril 2015

C. M. Rubin’s global education report In April, I continued my conversations with thought leaders around the world on many topics including the role of standardized testing, global inequality, criatividade, and innovation in our world today. I saw first hand the amazing work that Creative Oklahoma is doing in that state to nurture the arts with schools, business leaders and communities. This is the age of innovation and all our...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: 革新, Innovación, Inovação, ابتكار, Inovação, инновация, イノベーション, নবপ্রবর্তিত বস্তু, Innovazione!

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: 革新, Innovación, Inovação, ابتكار, Inovação, инновация, イノベーション, নবপ্রবর্তিত বস্তু, Innovazione!

Justin Bieber e Scooter Braun – Past TDIA Honorees Winston Churchill once said, “Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse.Welcome to the age of innovation. Governments crave it, great entrepreneurs awe us with it; and where would all our futures be without it? There are those born to lead and those content to follow; the former are most likely to be...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Posso ter um martelo?

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Posso ter um martelo?

“Precisamos deixar que as crianças descobrem os problemas que queremos resolver, como Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey ou 15 anos de idade, Jack Andraka, que criou a tira de teste de câncer de pâncreas.” – Craig Hatkoff “Quando sua única ferramenta é um martelo, cada problema começa parecendo um prego.” – Abe Maslow Honorees of the Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards receive a ball-pein hammer as their official awardnicknamed...

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