The Beauty of Self: Authenticity in Evan Bode’s Thine Own Self

By Ford Melillo

Thine Own Self, written and directed by Evan Bode, is a magical mixed-media film. It follows little spirits who are stripped of their identities and thrust into stifling conformity before eventually breaking free from tyranny and rediscovering their authentic selves. On paper, it presents a heartwarming story; ancak, there is something entirely elevated about the film. Perhaps it’s the various aspects of the production—Bode’s decision to convey the story through visuals and sound design alone, rather than relying on words, leaves ample room for the film to maintain whimsy and fairytale magic. Instead of focusing on the specifics of the story’s language, the film directs its energy toward the soft, stop-motion movements of the clay spirits and an engaging musical landscape.

Charm, style, and attention to detail infuse Thine Own Self with a sense of free uniqueness that is rare and wonderful.

I am happy to award this film 5 dışında 5 yıldızlar.

Ford Melillo is a Marketing Intern at CMRubinWorld and Stanford undergrad studying English with a Creative Writing focus.

Yazar: C. M. Rubin

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