La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Australia en Movimiento

Young Australians present to their classmates

In Vicki Abeles’ película, Carrera a ninguna parte, nosotros contigo. S. niños que estaban tan ocupados que no tenían tiempo para ser niños. La película sugirió que estábamos preocupados por las pruebas y el rendimiento., socavando lo que nuestros niños deberían hacer en el aula, y mucho menos en su tiempo libre. Entonces, ¿qué está pasando abajo??

He estado en Australia seis veces por motivos comerciales y personales. (my ancestors, who were academics, once owned Geelong College in Victoria). The only thing that’s consistent about each trip? When I have to go home, I cry and then console myself with the promise, I shall return!

Professor Barry McGaw returned in 2005, leaving his position as Director for Education at OECD, responsible for the PISA testthe test U. S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan downloads when someone mentions La Brecha Global Achievement. Did you know Arne Duncan played professional basketball for Australia’s National Basketball League and in the process met his wife Karen, an Australian high school teacher?

Australia is on the Move! Profesor Barry McGaw, Presidente del Currículo de Australia, Evaluación y Notificación Autoridad (EVENTOS), has a brand new national curriculum to explain to me, entre otras cosas.

Barry, when I mention your work, educators bring up student assessment. ¿Por qué?

What I am going to say is in the context of Australia and in an effort to produce a national curriculum. Estamos, like the United States, a federation, but one in which the responsibility for education is at the state and not the local level. There are six states and two territories with separate curricula, so the task of developing a national approach is much simpler than it would be in the United States. There have been several attempts since the late 1980s to move to a national curriculum but this time we have made significant progress. En diciembre 2010, the Council of Education Ministers endorsed an Australian Curriculum for Kindergarten through Year 10 in English, Matemáticas, Ciencia, and History.

The national curriculum includes knowledge, understanding and skills, and sets our studentslearning entitlements. The ‘content descriptionsset down the entitlements but we have provided ‘content elaborationsas well for those teachers who would welcome additional guidance about how the content might be dealt with. The elaborations also serve to meet the expectations of those states and territories that traditionally specify their curricula in more detail than others.

When it comes to specifying achievement standards by grade level for learning areas, it is difficult to do it unambiguously. We do it but illustrate them with annotated samples of real studentswork collected in response to real tasks set by teachers. The assessments and annotations are provided by panels of teachers and the samples chosen illustrate various levels of achievement. The states and territories have been using this approach for a number of years, as are people in other countries as well. We think that this is the best way to help teachers use specifications of achievement standards consistently.

What kind of education system provides the human skills to compete globally in the 21st century?

In the Australian curriculum, we are taking a different approach to incorporation of what some call 21st century skills. Primera, we have not abandoned the traditional disciplines. We recognize that there are thousands of years of intellectual development behind the current ways of thinking about and representing knowledge. The disciplines that have been created are rich in their capacity to help people understand the world. So we have a curriculum that is discipline based but that is one of only three dimensions.

We include the so-called 21st Century skills as a second dimension. We do not call them that, sin embargo, since most of the skills typically nominated are ones that were clearly relevant in earlier centuries. We call them ‘general capabilities’. We started with eight but now use seven: alfabetismo, aritmética, ICT competence, pensamiento crítico y creativo, ethical behavior, personal and social competence, and intercultural understanding.

Young Australians explain their history

On a third dimension we have identified three current priorities that we believe need special attention. They are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s links with Asia, and Sustainability. These are in addition to and not instead of things already secure in the curriculum such as Australia’s historical connections with the United Kingdom and their expression in Australia’s political and legal systems.

When our curriculum writers are developing the discipline based curricula, they are obliged to pay attention to where the general capabilities and the current cross-curriculum priorities could be addressed. The curriculum is presented electronically (ver and that enables users to view the curriculum content from the perspective of any one of the three dimensions: disciplines, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities. The electronic display lets us have it all ways. We can embrace general capabilities that are particularly important in the 21st Century without abandoning well established discipline based ways of knowing. We can also provide protection to current issues, such as those captured in our cross-curriculum priorities, that we believe should be an important part of the world view offered to young Australians.

Technology knowledge in today’s world could almost be a special extension to curriculum. Would you agree?

Sí, but not as a separate subject in the early years. It has to be developed alongside everything else as reflected in our general capability, ICT competence. By the time you get to Grades 8 a 10, schools will offer a range of technology studies.

Can schools teach ethics?

Schools are institutions in which values and ethics have to be addressed. It’s tricky territory because it’s easy for people to mischaracterize teachers as pursuing particular political agendas if they do address them. Our ‘general capabilitiesinclude ‘ethical behavior’, ‘personal and social competence’, and ‘inter cultural understandingquite deliberately to address the issue you raise.

More students applying to higher education. More pressure?

We have the same problem. We have parents as well as students feeling this pressure. We have had a huge shift of students from government to private schools. Our research shows that the performance of those private schools is not necessarily better than public schools but parents feel the pressure to buy what they feel might give their children an advantage.

We see the pressure building earlier too. We have national assessments of students in Grades 3, 5 , 7 y 9 in the basic skills in literacy and numeracy. Parents receive reports on their own children but we now publish school results on the My School website ( En ese sitio, we provide direct comparisons amongst schools with students from similar socio-educational backgrounds. That avoids unfair comparisons with schools in much more advantaged circumstances but it does put pressure on schools and students.

Enough emphasis on the arts in curriculum?

There is always a risk when some things, such as literacy and numeracy, are given such special prominence that other things might be downgraded. There is a case for special attention to literacy and numeracy because they are basis to so much other learning, but we need to protect other areas from too much focus on them. The protection for the others lies in clear, publicly available information on the curriculum to be implemented in all schools. Además, we require teachers to report to parents studentsachievements in all areas of the curriculum.

Sabiduría MundialThe Goals of Australia’s New Curriculum

Support students to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, active and informed citizens by promoting equity and excellence in education. Equip students with the essential skills, knowledge and capabilities to thrive and compete in a globalised world and information rich workplaces of the current century. Curriculum will be accessible to all regardless of their social or economic background or the school they attend.

Profesor Barry McGaw, Chair ACARA, y C. M. Rubin


En La Búsqueda Global para la Educación, unirse C.M. Rubin y reconocidos a nivel mundial los líderes de opinión entre ellos Sir Michael Barber (Reino Unido), DR. Leon Botstein (Estados Unidos), DR. Linda Darling-Hammond (Estados Unidos), DR. Madhav Chavan (India), El profesor Michael Fullan (Canada), El profesor Howard Gardner (Estados Unidos), Profesor Yvonne Hellman (Países Bajos), Profesor Kristin Helstad (Noruega), Profesor Rose Hipkins (Nueva Zelanda), Profesor Cornelia Hoogland (Canada), Señora. Chantal Kaufmann (Bélgica), Profesor Dominique Lafontaine (Bélgica), El profesor Hugh Lauder (Reino Unido), Profesor Ben Levin (Canada), Profesor Barry McGaw (Australia), Sridhar Rajagopalan (India), Sir Ken Robinson (Reino Unido), Profesor Pasi Sahlberg (Finlandia), Andreas Schleicher (PISA, OCDE), DR. David Shaffer (Estados Unidos), Canciller Stephen Spahn (Estados Unidos), Yves Theze (Lycee Francais EE.UU.), Profesor Charles Ungerleider (Canada), Profesor Tony Wagner (Estados Unidos), Profesor Dylan Wiliam (Reino Unido), Profesor Theo Wubbels (Países Bajos), El profesor Michael Young (Reino Unido), y el profesor Zhang Minxuan (De China) a medida que exploran las cuestiones de educación cuadro grande que todas las naciones se enfrentan hoy. La Búsqueda Global para la Educación Comunitaria Página

C. M. Rubin es el autor de dos ampliamente leído serie en línea por la que recibió un 2011 Premio Upton Sinclair, “La Búsqueda Global para la Educación” y “¿Cómo vamos a Leer?” Ella es también el autor de tres libros más vendidos, Incluido The Real Alice in Wonderland.

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Autor: C. M. Rubin

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