Die globale Suche nach Bildung: Der Klimaaktivist Sayan Das interviewt Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet

Diesen Monat, Publikum kann screenen Net Zero Speaks with Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet Diesen Monat kann das Publikum „Without a Map“ von Regisseur Nacho Ros Bernal im Planet Classroom Network sehen. This film is part of the Net Zero series curated by the Protect Our Planet Movement and Planet Classroom.

In Net Zero Speaks with Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet, Climate activist Sayan Das engages with Avice-Huet, Executive Vice President of Europe Operations at Schneider Electric, to explore how green hydrogen drives the transition to Net Zero. Audiences will learn how Schneider Electric tackles the challenges of scaling up production and explore the concept of ahydrogen economyand its implications for multiple sectors. Gwénaëlle also shares her insights as a sustainability leader into effective youth climate activism.

Die globale Suche nach Bildung is pleased to welcome Sayan Das.

Sayan, why did you select this particular climate thought leader to interview? Was hat Sie an ihr inspiriert??

As the Executive Vice President of Europe Operations, Avice-Huet plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s sustainability strategy and initiatives. Schneider Electric is a global leader in energy management and automation, and her leadership in this role allows her to influence and drive sustainable practices within the company and across industries. This is why I chose to interview this thought leader.

I am inspired by the extensive knowledge she possesses, her expertise, and her powerful leadership in the field of sustainability and energy management.

Was hat Sie bei Ihrem Vorstellungsgespräch am meisten überrascht??

Avice-Huet brought to light that decarbonization of high-emission industries can be possible through green hydrogen, and this is an optimal solution that can be implemented and scaled up through investment.

What are your three main takeaways for the Net Zero audience from the interview?

Electricity will play a pivotal role in driving the energy transition. It’s projected to account for 70 percent of the energy supply by 2050 as part of efforts to achieve a zero-carbon economy.

Investments, particularly in the high-energy sector, are crucial for developing the necessary infrastructure and technologies to produce and utilize green hydrogen effectively.

While renewable energy sources like wind and solar are valuable components of the solution, they alone are insufficient to meet the climate goals. We need to advocate for a diverse range of existing solutions and scale them up across different geographic regions.

Thank you Sayan!

C. M. Rubin and Sayan Das

Nicht verpassen Net Zero Speaks with Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet, Jetzt im Planet Classroom Network gestreamt. Dieser Film wird von der Protect Our Planet Movement und Planet Classroom kuratiert.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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