Die globale Suche nach Bildung: Human Race ISM wirft einen Blick auf Rassismus in der Zukunft

Das Downriver-Detroit Student Film Consortium wird Detroit angeboten & Gymnasiasten aus der flussabwärts gelegenen Gegend, die sich für das Filmemachen interessieren. Menschliche Rasse ISM, produced by the organization, was directed by Elina Villemure and selected as one of the Best of the Fest 2021 von KIDS FIRST! in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Planet Classroom Network. The short film is the story of Thomas, a human teenager stationed with his family on Mars, who experiences racism first-hand. The teen of color forms a close relationship with an alien girl but his parents strictly forbid him from interacting with her.

Die globale Suche nach Bildung freut sich zu begrüßen Human Race ISM’s Director, Elina Villemure, and Screenwriter Romeo Keyser.

What inspired you to make Menschliche Rasse ISM?

Romeo:  We were inspired to make this film because of racism in the world today.

What about the unique setting you chose? What did you hope to accomplish by setting the story on Mars?

Elina:  What we hope to accomplish is that our film gives a different perspective of racism in the future.

Romeo: We set this film on Mars in the future because if things don’t change here, they never will.

How do you hope your film will impact audiences or shift perspectives?

Elina:  We are hoping this film will impact older generations because our generation does not have an issue with accepting others. We hope our film will bring meaningful change.

Romeo:  Because we’re stuck in a cycle of hate and judgement.

Elina: We need change more than ever.

C.M. Rubin with Elina Villemure and Romeo Keyser

Nicht verpassen Menschliche Rasse ISM, selected as one of the Best of the Fest 2021 von KIDS FIRST! in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Planet Classroom Network.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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