What Is Direct Air Capture and How Can It Help the Planet?

Von Alex Silverman

From our friends at Planet Classroom Network’s Problem Solvers series comes another innovative idea for the ever-growing climate crisis:  In What Is Direct Air Capture and How Can It Help the Planet?, Alex Abreu addresses the problem of global warming by showcasing Direct Air Capture (DAC), a process in which chemical reactions remove carbon dioxide from the air. In this short film, we learn about the DAC process, where it is conducted, and its benefits.

With only 7.5 years left until climate warming rises beyond the tipping point (according to the World Resources Institute), we need all the help we can get. Zum Glück, companies like Climeworks, Carbon Engineering, Battelle, and several others are stepping up to the challenge. This short film also highlights how many of these DAC facilities we will need to reduce 10-20 billion tonnes of CO2 by 2050. With more and more DAC facilities being built, we’ll be one step closer to a healthier planet.   Ich gebe diesen Film 3.5 von 5 Sterne.

Alex is a graduate from Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Performance und Nebenfach Schreiben für das Fernsehen. Neben seiner Arbeit als Teil des Planet Classroom Network Film Selection Teams bei CMRubinWorld, er war Praktikant als Screening-Panelist für das International Children's Media Center, ein Sketch-Autor, und Produktionsassistent am Set bei den 61. Annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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