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Robin Hood – A Very British Pantomime is at the Burgdorff Performing Arts Center. A very loud British holiday theater tradition is wowing audiences in New Jersey with Robin Hood: A Very British Pantomime. For the many who do not what the British Panto art form is, this slapstick, participatory show is a really terrific treat for all the family. Panto, a hilarious and fun British holiday play, tells a fairy tale in a vaudevillian...

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Alice — Queimador! PegueAliceês! Alice?

Alice — Queimador! Peguei vocês! Alice?

Alice in Wonderland is one of the earliest books written with the intention of entertaining children and not improving or educating them. Ainda é uma lufada de ar fresco. I like to think that my version of Alice Liddell in Wotcha! Peguei vocês!, fala e age mais como a Alice dos livros do que várias outras versões recentes.” — Gareth Jones Wotcha! Peguei vocês!, um estilo muito britânico de pantomima (ou panto), é...

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