Alice — Mark It With a Water Stone

Alice — Mark It With a Water Stone

    “I mark this day with a white stone.” – Lewis Carroll On a special day in the town where Lewis Carroll (alias Charles Dodgson) lived and wrote his famous fairy tale, where would an author dream of sharing her book? Where would an author want to show off her carefully selected outfit while browsing through hundreds of other books thoughtfully and tastefully displayed to complement her book event? Where...

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Comment allons-nous savoir: Livres pour enfants?

Comment allons-nous savoir: Livres pour enfants?

“Dans 5 année vous aurez un tout nouveau marché de matériel de lecture numérique pour les jeunes enfants, dans toutes les nouvelles formes” – Karen Lotz Karen Lotz is the Group Managing Director of Walker Books Ltd., une société basée à Londres qui comprend toutes les sociétés de l'enfant d'édition Walker Livres britanniques, Walker Books Australia, Américaine Candlewick Press, et l'unité de développement de télévision pour enfants, Walker...

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Comment allons-nous savoir: In Book Chains?

Comment allons-nous savoir: In Book Chains?

Waterstone’s is to the British what Barnes and Noble is to Americans” – C. M. Rubin British businessman James Daunt gave up a career on New York’s Wall Street at the end of the 1980’s to occupy the world of bookshops — “the kind of bookshops he would like to visit” (shops, not stores, as Daunt likes to call them). If you’ve ever been to one of the 6...

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