La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Réalisateur Carlos H.. Tejeda discute du pouvoir du courage personnel.

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Réalisateur Carlos H.. Tejeda discute du pouvoir du courage personnel.

Ce mois, audiences can screen Revolucionarios (Revolutionaries) sur le réseau Planet Classroom.

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Le militant climatique Sayan Das interviewe Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Le militant climatique Sayan Das interviewe Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet

Ce mois, audiences can screen Net Zero Speaks with Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet on the Planet Classroom Network.

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Avasar: Sustainable Farming with a Purpose

Avasar: Sustainable Farming with a Purpose

By Alex Silverman Jordyn Katz presents Avasar, offering a glimpse into the daily life of an Indian cattle farmer and his collaboration with the non-profit organization Krimanshi. This organization wages a multifaceted battle against climate change, food waste, la pauvreté, and inhumane treatment of animals. In this short film, Krimanshi focuses on developing sustainable cattle feed from food waste, revealing its numerous benefits....

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 The Car Service: A Tense Car Appointment

The Car Service: A Tense Car Appointment

By Rhea Mursalin The Car Service, directed by Mark Kiefer, is a short film that delves into the heated dialogue between two men (played by Liam McNeill and Eddie Nasonas they dispute the needs of an expensive car. Kiefer skillfully crafts a concise and intriguing narrative, revealing how contrasting opinions and attitudes can collide in an ostensibly routine situation. The project unfolds in two distinct locations—the opulent...

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What Is Direct Air Capture and How Can It Help the Planet?

What Is Direct Air Capture and How Can It Help the Planet?

By Alex Silverman From our friends at Planet Classroom Network’s Problem Solvers series comes another innovative idea for the ever-growing climate crisisIn What Is Direct Air Capture and How Can It Help the Planet?, Alex Abreu addresses the problem of global warming by showcasing Direct Air Capture (DAC), a process in which chemical reactions remove carbon dioxide from the air. In this short film, we learn about the DAC...

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