Un espace où les femmes peuvent briller et grandir

By Rhea Mursalin

Women Are Gold, un film de Lizzie Green, met en lumière la marque de bijoux Penh Lenh au Cambodge et le travail qu'ils ont fait pour éduquer et motiver les locaux, marginalized women.

Throughout the film, les femmes cambodgiennes parlent de leurs luttes personnelles et de l'aide qu'elles ont reçue depuis qu'elles font partie de Penh Lenh. Les avantages dont ils ont bénéficié vont des opportunités de carrière, à développer des compétences, to simply inhabiting a positive environment.

To say that Women Are Gold is an important project is an understatement. This film focuses on the good nature of people and even raises awareness about the privileges many of us often take for granted. Green paints a valuable picture of how one innovative project has the ability to empower and impact the lives of many.

The subject matter alone is captivating, but the documentary manner in which it is presented also provides the ability to grip viewers and easily keep their attention.

je donnerais ce film 5/5 étoiles.

Rhea Mursalin is a recent graduate from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where she earned a B.A. in Communications.

Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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