Grandi squali bianchi: Un fantasioso film d'animazione Lego sulla protezione dei nostri predatori di acque profonde

di Alex Silverman

Grandi squali bianchi is just what you’d think it’s about. Tuttavia, this short by student Lakan Duskin is portrayed in a fun and imaginative manner. With the power of LEGO and stop motion animation, 10 year old Director Lakan Duskin (assisted by his Mom, Caro Duskin) creates a well-built (pun intended) film corto.

Duskin documents from birth to death the life of a great white shark. We learn about the important role that great white sharks play in protecting our environment as well as the challenges they face. The short includes a lot of shark trivia and facts about their role in keeping populations of their prey at a substantial level. Great Whites face threats and are victims of human fishing nets and people’s desire to eat shark meat. While Duskin’s film only covers the basics, it is still an impressively made short that once again proves you can do anything and everything you want with LEGO and a little imagination. io do questo film 4 per 5 stelle.

Alex è un neolaureato al Columbia College di Chicago con una specializzazione in scrittura comica & Performance e un minore in scrittura per la televisione. Oltre al suo lavoro come parte del team Planet Classroom Network Film Selection a CMRubinWorld, ha lavorato come stagista in un panel di screening per l'International Children's Media Center, uno scrittore di sketch, e un assistente di produzione sul set alla 61esima edizione dei Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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