La madre di Hong Ejun risveglia l'anima

di Julian Cao

Regia di Hong Ejun, Madre è un cortometraggio animato avvincente che abbonda di colori vibranti ed è sostenuto da un dolce, melodia malinconica intervallata da carillon chi.

La stragrande maggioranza del film si basa su un orologio che ticchetta sempre, in cui un uomo anziano su una sedia a rotelle rivisita alcuni ricordi della sua vita: When he was a young boy, his mother’s death left him bereft: He grew up and reached pivotal milestones in his life without her, from graduation to marriage, e così via; all that while, her missing presence was keenly felt. Only in death could he reunite with his late mother.

The animation is exceptional. The moving parts of the clock flow seamlessly from one to the next, mirroring the various stages of life. The radiant blues and yellows ensure that the viewer’s eyes do not stray from the screen.

Madre is a poignant reminder of love and loss. I commend the filmmaker, Ejun Hong, for her heartwarming tribute to her grandfather: the elderly man in a wheelchair. La pellicola, bolstered by consummate artistry, provides a profusion of emotions that will linger in the viewer’s mind long after its conclusion. Madre stirs the soul.

darei questo film 5/5.

Da non perdere Mother, now screening on Planet Classroom.

Julian Cao si è laureato con la massima lode con un Bachelor of Arts in Film presso la California State University, Lunga spiaggia. Attualmente, Julian is the Marketing Director of Sylvan Learning Center of Huntington Beach, and an intern for CMRubinWorld, Shenandoah Film Collaborativeah, e Tsang e associati.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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