Comment créons-nous une culture dans les écoles qui valorise les élèves d'horizons et de capacités différents?

Par Rishi Mulloth

In today’s education system, même au primaire, les élèves sont séparés par leur capacité d'apprentissage et leurs prouesses sociales. Cela amène certains enfants à exceller tandis que d'autres sont laissés pour compte, peine à suivre. Dans la courte vidéo éducative de la jeune productrice Justine DeJesus, Comment pouvons-nous devenir plus inclusifs, ces pièges pédagogiques sont explorés, and suggest that our system is hurting more students than it is actually helping. A solution is to make education, especially early education, more accessible, more diverse, et, surtout,, more inclusive. DeJesus suggests that different teaching lessons, as well as having students interact with a more diverse body of children, might actually help kids learn more social skills. It also may nurture learning in fun and creative new ways. This idea of inclusion will help to foster relationships between students that wouldn’t have happened in segregated classrooms. Might this lead to less students being left behind?

Comment pouvons-nous devenir plus inclusifs was curated for the Planet Classroom Network as part of a Résolution de problèmes series initiated by Planet Classroom. This short student film illustrates a major flaw in the schooling system, and gives a better and attainable solution that would foster only positive growth in education. The message is simple, more inclusion will create better classrooms, and learning needs innovation for the next generation.

This educational video is easy to follow and provides great insight into an issue that most people usually don’t think twice about. Cependant, education is a vital part of building the next generation to be successful, and this film desires that every student, not just the ones that fit well into the system, will excel in their educational endeavors. I highly recommend this film, and I think it is a great addition to the Résolution de problèmes série. je donne ce film 4 de 5 étoiles.

Rishi Mulloth est un récent diplômé de l'Université de Pittsburgh avec des diplômes en études cinématographiques et médiatiques et en économie, and is attending the University of Scranton for a masters degree in business analytics.

Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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