我們將如何閱讀: 主街?

“獨立書店創造選擇的,社會是希望看到產品組合的興趣。” — 奧倫Teicher

主街是開了一個有前途的節日, 與網上和店內結果表明銷售獨立書店都好起來了 2011 以上 2010. 尼爾森BookScan感恩節一周升幅為 15.5% 在同一個星期 2010, 而在店內的網站搭載ABA IndieCommerce增加 60% 感恩節週末 (黑色星期五通過網絡星期一) 以上 2010.

The challenges that independent book stores face this holiday season are the same challenges that most brick and mortar retailers will face. The good news is that independent book stores can always be relied upon for extraordinary entrepreneurship. 其結果, many are already redefining their role for the future by finding new and compelling ways to differentiate themselves from online retailers. I had the pleasure of chatting with Oren Teicher, 美國書商協會CEO, 有關負責主街書店的復甦的關鍵因素, 除其他事項外.


首先, 我絕對相信,在所有我們看到在出版的變化, we will grow the number of readers. What we know about book buyers is that they behave differently at different times. They buy books in different places. They read different titles. If you’re a reader, you don’t read one kind of book nor do you buy your book from only one retailer. The anxiety that exists in certain circles about the book business that the digital format is going to make print books obsolete is nonsense. We think the formats are going to complement each other. 事實上, we believe the formats will not only complement each other but will help each other grow and become stronger. An analogy that is often used is the movie business: 早在1950年, people thought that television was going to put movies out of business. Why would anyone go to the movies when you could watch television in your living room? Fast forward sixty years, it’s clear there’s a pretty strong movie business in America and a pretty strong TV business. These are different formats, 和他們做相得益彰.


There are obvious categories that lend themselves to the digital format. I think genre fiction (mystery, 浪漫, and science fiction) lends itself to the electronic format because people are much more interested in immediate access to the latest titles and far less concerned about having a physical copy of the title on their shelves. In non-fiction you’ve got travel books, which is another example of a category for which there is a real advantage to having the content in an electronic format. 然而, I think we should be careful about drawing too many conclusions from the current trends. We don’t have enough data to really know what is going to happen. Last holiday season, millions of readers got iPads, Kindles, and Nooks. In January and February 2011, we saw a significant decline in sales in book stores. Time passed and some people still loved their new devices, but in addition, after playing with them for a while, others decided e-readers weren’t for them, and now those devices are collecting dust in their drawers. We expect this holiday season there will be another avalanche of e-readers. And a certain number of people are going to consume books in a digital format, but I think it is too early to know how many. 到底, I think a very large number of readers will end up reading books in both formats.

How will the ABA participate in the e-book revenue opportunity?

For almost a year we have had a partnership with Google. There are around 350 member stores that use our e-commerce platform to sell digital content, and we are selling Google eBooks across the network of participating indie book stores. What we have learned is that it’s a lot more about the device than we originally thought. We’re aggressively in the process of trying to develop a device that our members can sell as well. There are of course many devices, and we will work with anyone who can assist our stores to sell digital content. 如你所知, the major publishers have adopted the Agency Model (in the agency model the publishers set the price and designate an agentin this case the booksellerwho will then sell the book and receive a commission on that sale). With regard to the sales of digital content, under the agency model the publishers are setting the price. If you search for an e-book title on an ABA member’s website and then you search for the same title on another retailer’s website, you will find in very many cases that the price for content is the same. The agency model has leveled the playing field.

A growing number of Americans understand that supporting their local businesses is good for the local economy” — 奧倫Teicher

ħow did the loss of Borders affect your members?

There are millions of customers who were shopping in Borders who don’t have a store today. Clearly for our members that was an opportunity. And despite all the quantum leaps forward with technology, nothing beats a physical bricks-and-mortar store to browse and discover new titles. Independent book stores pride themselves on being interesting and exciting places to shop, where you can meet knowledgeable and passionate booksellers. It’s an environment people like to come and hang out in. Independent book stores create interest by selecting a mix of products that the community is interested in seeing. They also are very active in hosting in-store events, which attract people to the stores. 此外, they may form associations with local coffee shops, restaurants and art galleries. These are the things that book stores do to connect to their customers. 還, a growing number of Americans understand that supporting their local businesses is good for the local economy.

What do you believe are the major challenges facing a large chain of book stores such as a Barnes & 高貴?

I think it always makes more sense to talk about one’s own strategy, but I think that does speak to your question. 在今天的世界, bigger is not necessarily better. The advantages that our members have are that they are able to be nimble and can adapt quickly to change. They are not saddled with massive square footage of stores that are expensive to operate. In this area I think we have a competitive advantage. 還, 技術 20 years ago was a problem for independent booksellers. The large national chains could afford systems and we couldn’t. However the cost of technology has come down dramatically. 我們現在經營的網站 350 店. We use state of-the-art point of sale systems and tracking systems. We’re able to get books to our customers within 48 小時. The book business is changing so fast. Being smaller allows you to adapt quickly and change more easily.

奧倫Teicher和C. M. 魯賓


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ç. M. 魯賓是廣泛閱讀網上系列的作者, 全球搜索教育, 也是三本暢銷書, 其中 真正的愛麗絲夢遊仙境.

按照ç. M. 魯賓在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
