La democrazia è in una crisi globale? Explores Some of the Themes Threatening Modern Democracies

Di Ethan Thomas

For many people around the world, living in a country that has a democratic form of government is all they have known their entire lives. They learn about democracy in school, and how the founders of their country went to great lengths to establish such a system. Tuttavia, the modern world is complex and many nations are experiencing threats to the traditional theories of Democracy. La democrazia è in una crisi globale? brings this topic to the forefront, inviting viewers to think about the state of democracy in their community and their world.

La democrazia è in una crisi globale? was curated by Planet Classroom. This short video by student Alana Alvarado asks provocative questions, shares insights and includes statistics about confidence in democracy in several countries. These statistics and perspectives were ones that I was not previously aware of, and it was very eye-opening to see them compiled in this way. The overall message of the short video is to raise awareness for the theme and perhaps invite the viewer to reflect and further research the idea shared.

While this film has a strong and important theme, it was short and could have been better presented versus the simple visuals and text sentences shown on the screen. I would still recommend it for high school and college aged viewers, and I give this film 3.5 per 5 stelle.

Ethan Thomas è uno studente della Florida State University, set to graduate in December 2022. Si è laureato in scrittura creativa e tecnologia dell'informazione e sta perseguendo una carriera nel cinema.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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