Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

اینجا کلیک کنید to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below.

I stand before you heavy-hearted and tentative to let go of my second and last child who will graduate high school in just a few weeks time. Like other parents, I know that with an impending high school graduation, it is a nostalgic time charged with diverse and conflicting emotions. I feel joyful. I feel tearful. I feel liberated. I desperately need a hug. I reflect often on the 18 years of childhood that have simply gone with the wind.

I have been blessed. During the course of my son’s elementary and secondary school education, he has been able to forge warm and in some cases life-changing relationships with remarkable teachers. I believe these relationships have not only shaped him into the young man he is today, but also that these relationships will never disappear. Whether it was math teacher Mrs. Walker, who threatened to leave her post and seek employment with Jet Blue Airways whenever 4th grade homework wasn’t up to scratch; or Ms. McDermott, who wisely and respectfully allowed a shy, timid little boy to sit out theater class for months until he made it powerfully clear he was ready for center stage; or Mr. Samuels, whose bizarre, متحرک, hilarious classroom antics are undoubtedly responsible for turning my son into the passionate, curious and outstanding history scholar he is todayI know the legacy of these rich teacher-student relationships will endure.

A classroom is a community, a home away from home where our children spend approximately 5 به 7 hours a day with teachers for almost 10 months each year for 13 years of their pre-college lives. As a children’s book author, I have done readings in dozens of poor and rich classrooms all over the world for years. I can usually tell you in the first 5 minutes whether or not I am in a happy or unhappy home. It’s an instinctive feeling that slowly creeps over my body but resonates most strongly in my heart. Those positive or negative vibes usually have a lot to do with the man or woman responsible for the students in the room. Like the children, I can sense the ethos of the person in charge. I firmly believe that the most important thing in a classroom is the quality of the teacher, but additionally it is about the student-teacher relationship, which is absolutely critical to creating the best conditions for good learning experiences to take place.

So thank you Ms. Walker, خانم. McDermott, خانم. Gerken, آقای. دندانه, دکتر. Tobolsky, آقای. Knoche, خانم. Beck, آقای. Samuels, خانم. Enriquez, خانم. Ingraham, خانم. Miller, آقای. Wiesenfeld and all the other star educators I may have missed. Your inspiring anecdotes, smiley faces, terrible jokes, outrageous ties, positive reinforcement, فداکاری, high expectations, unconditional love, genuine concern and kindness will be cherished and valued for the rest of our lives. Long after the prefabricated content, the standardized tests, the seemingly endless hours of homework are forgotten, the positive relationships you took time to nurture through the passing years will remain the happiest memories of school days. These memories will be shared at life’s important milestones. They will be passed along from generation to generation. For it was these things that nurtured the souls, inspired the minds, and turned a brick and mortar establishment into a vibrant community. Thank you for igniting the spark that dared your charges to dig deeper, reach higher and believe each one of them is a somebody; a somebody that can make valuable contributions to themselves, to the lives of their loved ones and to the new world into which they shall now enter.

[ted id=1728]


در جهانی جستجو برای آموزش و پرورش, من و پیوستن به رهبران فکری در سطح جهان شناخته جمله سر مایکل باربر (UK), دکتر. مایکل بلوک (ایالات متحده), دکتر. لئون Botstein (ایالات متحده), استاد خشت کریستنسن (ایالات متحده), دکتر. لیندا عزیزم، هاموند (ایالات متحده), دکتر. Madhav Chavan (هند), پروفسور مایکل فالن (کانادا), پروفسور هوارد گاردنر (ایالات متحده), پروفسور اندی هارگریوز (ایالات متحده), پروفسور ایوان هلمن (هلند), پروفسور کریستین Helstad (نروژ), ژان Hendrickson (ایالات متحده), پروفسور رز Hipkins (نیوزیلند), استاد کورنلیا Hoogland (کانادا), جناب جف جانسون (کانادا), خانم. شانتال کافمن (بلژیک), دکتر. Eija Kauppinen (فنلاند), دولت Tapio Kosunen وزیر (فنلاند), پروفسور دومینیک لافونتن (بلژیک), پروفسور هیو لادر (UK), پروفسور بن لوین (کانادا), پروردگار کن مک دونالد (UK), پرفسور بری McGaw (استرالیا), Shiv در نادار (هند), استاد R. Natarajan (هند), دکتر. PAK NG (سنگاپور), دکتر. دنیس پاپ (US), Sridhar Rajagopalan (هند), دکتر. دایان Ravitch (ایالات متحده), ریچارد ویلسون رایلی (ایالات متحده), سر کن رابینسون (UK), استاد PASI Sahlberg (فنلاند), استاد Manabu ساتو (ژاپن), آندریاس Schleicher (PISA, OECD), دکتر. آنتونی Seldon (UK), دکتر. دیوید شافر (ایالات متحده), دکتر. کیرستن همهجانبه هستند (نروژ), صدراعظم استفان Spahn (ایالات متحده), ایو Theze (فرانسه دبیرستان فرانسوی ایالات متحده), پروفسور چارلز Ungerleider (کانادا), پروفسور تونی واگنر (ایالات متحده), سر دیوید واتسون (UK), استاد دیلن Wiliam (UK), دکتر. علامت گذاری Wormald (UK), پروفسور تئو Wubbels (هلند), پروفسور مایکل جوان (UK), و استاد Minxuan ژانگ (چین) به عنوان آنها در پرسش های بزرگ آموزش و پرورش تصویر است که تمام کشورهای امروز با آن مواجه بررسی. جهانی جستجو برای آموزش و پرورش انجمن صفحه

C. M. روبین نویسنده دو مجموعه آنلاین به طور گسترده به عنوان خوانده شده که او دریافت است 2011 جایزه آپتون سینکلر, “جهانی جستجو برای آموزش و پرورش” و “چگونه آیا ما به عنوان خوانده شده?” او همچنین نویسنده سه کتاب پرفروش, محتوی رئال آلیس در سرزمین عجایب.

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