The Future of Farming

By Grace Graham

La pellicola Evolving Farming with Technology di Brigid Donahue dà una breve occhiata ad alcuni dei problemi che devono affrontare l'agricoltura moderna, e possibili soluzioni a questi problemi. Brigid fa un ottimo lavoro in questo film illustrando molti dei pericoli del cambiamento climatico, e parlando di come stanno influenzando in modo specifico la produzione alimentare. Tuttavia, non si impantana nella disperazione che le persone spesso provano di fronte al problema opprimente del riscaldamento globale, and instead jumps straight into solutions.

It is very clear that Brigid did her research on this topic and it shows in her detailed descriptions of the various people and technologies that are on the forefront of farming innovation. I enjoyed how she was able to present all the information in a way that was succinct, detailed but not overwhelming.

Additionally she did a great job of using meaningful visuals in her film, and overall it was an informative and enjoyable video.

darei questo film 5/5 stelle!

Grace Graham is an Undergraduate at Arizona State University. She is earning her bachelor’s degree in Graphic information Technology. She hopes to enter a career in video production or animation. Attualmente, she is a working as a barista and is a communications intern at CMRubinWorld.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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