La pollution toxique est une introduction facile à digérer aux concepts de pollution

Par Ethan Thomas

We are all aware of the unfortunate reality of pollution that is generated worldwide. While we might be aware of the environmental effects of pollution, the reach of its effects go farther than one might imagine. Toxic Pollution explores these ideas, showing how it spreads and negatively affects the health of both animals and humans.

Toxic Pollution was curated for Planet Classroom Network by Ryan Wong Classroom. The short video employs a stop-motion animated style, and uses music and titles reminiscent of an old silent movie to get across its message.The primary target audience for this film is young children. The visual style and short length work as a child’s first introduction to the concepts of pollution and its effects on the environment and well being of the planet.

Toxic Pollution truly finds its feet is through the conveyance of serious and complex issues through the easy-to-digest and light tone of its art style. It is for this reason that the film would serve as a great educational tool for young children as they begin to learn about pollution and the environment. I would recommend this film for kids ages 10 and below. je donne ce film 3.5 de 5 étoiles.

Ethan Thomas est actuellement étudiant à la Florida State University, devrait obtenir son diplôme en mai 2023. Il a une double spécialisation en écriture créative et en technologie de l'information, et poursuit une carrière dans le cinéma.

Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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