Sintonizzare la mente dello studente: Un curriculum fantasioso e innovativo incentrato sulla coscienza, Creatività e Identità

di Alex Silverman

In this 26-minute documentario from Director Chelsea Richer, a teacher offers a first-of-its-kind course that brings out the creativity, immaginazione, and inner potential of her students. Molly Beauregard is a teacher at the College of Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. It is here where she teaches this new radical course on consciousness and creative bliss enabling her students to expand their minds and life skills. In Beauregard’s class, her students learn about meditation, wellness, and a sound body and mind. Signorina. Beauregard and her fellow staff at CCS believe that this helps a person’s creativity thrive.

This is a very informative and well-put-together short documentary. It offers a great deep dive into what these educators are doing, the teacher’s methodology, and what results have come out of it. This film can serve as a prototype for other teachers in other schools to take a new approach to unlock their student’s creativity. It is a new style of learning everyone should try, be it as a student in college or someone who is trying to learn on their own. io do questo film 5 stelle.

Alex è un neolaureato al Columbia College di Chicago con una specializzazione in scrittura comica & Performance e un minore in scrittura per la televisione. Oltre al suo lavoro come parte del team Planet Classroom Network Film Selection a CMRubinWorld, ha lavorato come stagista in un panel di screening per l'International Children's Media Center, uno scrittore di sketch, e un assistente di produzione sul set alla 61esima edizione dei Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

Autore: C. M. Rubin

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