La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Tête, Cœur, Âme, et Frankenstein

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Tête, Cœur, Âme, et Frankenstein

“Comment pouvons-nous ramasser les morceaux et construire un nouveau texte qui crée et ajoute sens au roman de Shelley?” — Erick Gordon To explore and remix Shelley’s Frankenstein in a multi-media context is currently the creative challenge for 13 enseignants de partout dans le monde et 13 New York City élèves du secondaire au Teachers College, Université de Columbia. The Common Core Curriculum Standards have curtailed the study of...

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La recherche globale pour l'éducation: When Little Children Die

La recherche globale pour l'éducation: When Little Children Die

Grief will affect all. The trauma of losing a young child never goes away and the grief may be quite protracted, but healing occurs over time.” – Dr. Brian Fallon When beautiful little children and their brave teachers die in a senseless act of unspeakable violence such as the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the nation cries. The nation prays for relief from its overwhelming grief and from these prayers...

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