Révolutionner la gestion des déchets: L'histoire du perroquet gris

Par: Alex Silverman

Producer Chloe Williams presents Turning Waste Into InnovationThe Greyparrot Revolution, a special look into one company’s mission to turn waste into energy.

Fondé en 2019 by Mikela Druckman, Nikola Sivaki, and Ambarish Mitra, Greyparrot aims to reduce waste. They’ve implemented AI technology into 70% of European recycling centers and combat waste from single-use vapes.

With funding from a diverse range of investors, including actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Greyparrot’s mission continues to thrive.

I give this short film 3 de 5 étoiles.

Alex is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Performance et mineure en écriture pour la télévision. En dehors de son travail au sein de l'équipe de sélection de films Planet Classroom Network à CMRubinWorld, he is a sketch writer, and pursuing a career in acting in New York City.

Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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