A Global Search for Education: Finn matematika órák

A Global Search for Education: Finn matematika órák

We believe that students need to develop self-confidence and trust in their ability to do math, and it is the solving of real-life, simpler problems that gives them the ability to engage in more difficult, abstract tasks. Only the procedural understanding acquired in this manner will empower students to solve the test problems.” — Cecilia Villabona Research has sought to understand why more boys than girls...

A Global Search for Education – Is the AP Worth It?

A Global Search for Education – Is the AP Worth It?

Students need to be prepared for the extra work and make sure this fits with their overall schedule and their ability to take care of their health and well-being.” –Denise Pope The College Board has long claimed its gold standard AP Program can help students succeed in college, narrow the achievement gap and level the playing field for traditionally under-served high schools and students. The program has...

A Global Search for Education: Ausztrália – Kullancsok

A Global Search for Education: Ausztrália – Kullancsok

“Rendkívül fontos, hogy a szándéknyilatkozatot érhető el a kulcsfontosságú klinikai érintett szervek a diagnózis és a kezelés a betegség. Krónikus, nem krónikus, erősen fertőző, Nem erősen fertőző, kullancs által terjesztett, ízeltlábúak (rovar)-korlátolt, szexuálisan átvihető, a vér által hordozott és nem.”– DR. Andrew Ladhams Tick-borne illness advocates from Australia, Ausztria, Brazília, Kanada, Csehország, Horvátország,...

A Global Search for Education: UK – Kullancsok

A Global Search for Education: UK – Kullancsok

Egyes brit szakértők úgy vélik, nem kevesebb, mint 20 százaléka az Egyesült Királyság Lyme-kór fertőzés a britek megszerzése a betegség, míg vakációzott Lyme-kór forró pontok, mint például az Egyesült Államokban (New England) és Közép-Európa részei. Lyme (Borreliosis), Anaplasmosis / Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain foltos láz, Bartonella, Nyúlpestis, és újabban, Borrelia miyamotoi (Egy távoli rokona Lyme borreliosis) vannak...

Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below. I stand before you heavy-hearted and tentative to let go of my second and last child who will graduate high school in just a few weeks time. Like other parents, I know that with an impending high school graduation, it is a nostalgic time charged with diverse and conflicting emotions. I feel joyful. I feel tearful. I feel...
