Tour du monde en 30 Journées: Décembre 2019

C.M. Rapport Global Education de Rubin

Jeff King est le chef de l'école MUSE à Calabasas, Californie, et l'architecte du Plan directeur MUSE qui a permis 100 pour cent des MUSE diplômés du secondaire d'être accepté par l'université de leur choix. « Nous avons reconnu qu'il y avait une omniprésente, problème systémique avec l'âge, âgé « sit, avoir, mémoriser, and regurgitate’ model that has continued to hinder children’s educational experience for decades,» Dit le roi, qui croit que le système actuel ne prépare pas les jeunes à relever les défis du monde réel, but instead “teaches them to memorize content.” Muse school was co-founded in 2006 par la femme de James Cameron, Suzy Amis Cameron, et la sœur de Suzy, Rebecca Amis. L'équipe a entrepris de créer un modèle d'apprentissage qui offre aux étudiants les compétences et les outils nécessaires pour se développer dans l'enseignement supérieur et le marché du travail. Ce mois, La recherche globale pour l'éducation welcomed Muse School’s Jeff King to learn more.

PISA a créé avec succès un test que les dirigeants du monde prêtent attention aux. But those who have followed the decades of research and activism on what kind of education matters for a 21st Century child know that the PISA assessment is fast becoming irrelevant. The kinds of things that we test have become easy to digitize and automate, so is it time to change the content of the world’s leading standardized test? Ce mois, C.M. Rubin, Co-Founder of CMRubinWorld and La recherche globale pour l'éducation, says it is time to challenge the content of the PISA test as a holistic assessment of 20e Century competencies. How does an academic test that measures what students in 79 countries know in reading, mathematics and science at age 15 give us sufficient data about the quality of education systems, the abilities of students to flourish in today’s world, and the quality of teachers in our classrooms? Rubin notes that while these core subjects remain vital, the PISA test is an assessment with limited 21st century context, e.g. interdisciplinary learning, use of digital tools that students access in their everyday lives to search for immediate knowledge, and focus on the competencies recognized to be imperative to flourish as a citizen. She concludes that given PISA’s powerful audience, it’s time to create a more relevant, holistic assessment for global learning.

primé national éducateur, Kris Hupp, le directeur actuel de la technologie & L'innovation pédagogique au district scolaire de Cornell à Coraopolis, Pennsylvanie, croit que les étudiants ont besoin des connaissances et des compétences pour créer du contenu original dans un monde riche en médias de plus en plus. Plus De 10 il y a des années, his school decided to provide students with the opportunity to create and run their own broadcasts. The kinds of skills they wanted to teach included “talking on camera, lighting, and camera angles,” says Kris, but they were also focused on “the 4 C de: la pensée critique, créativité, collaboration, and communication.” With limited resources, the educators found innovative ways to organize a diverse team of students and mentor them to take ownership of the project.

Ce mois, La recherche globale pour l'éducation welcomed Kris Hupp and Patricia Dahmen from the Cornell School District to find out more.

We’d all like to thank ourglobal contributors, enseignants, entrepreneurs, chercheurs, des chefs d'entreprise, students and thought leaders from every domain who shared perspectives on the future of learning with le Recherche globale de l'éducationthis month. We wish you all Happy Holidays and look forward to continuing our important conversations in 2020.

C. M. Rubin (Cathy) est le fondateur de CMRubinWorld, an online publishing company focused on the future of global learning, and the co-founder of Planet Classroom. She is the author of three best-selling books and two widely read online series. Rubin a reçu 3 Upton Sinclair Awards for “The Global Search for Education”. The series which advocates for Youth was launched in 2010 and brings together distinguished thought leaders from around the world to explore the key education issues faced by nations.

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Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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