Giro del mondo in 30 Giorni: Dicembre 2019

C.M. Rapporto Global Education di Rubin

Jeff King is the Head of MUSE School in Calabasas, California, and the architect of the MUSE Blueprint that has enabled 100 percent of MUSE high school graduates to be accepted by their university of choice. “We recognized that there was a pervasive, systemic issue with the age-old ‘sit, get, memorize, and regurgitate’ model that has continued to hinder children’s educational experience for decades,” says King, who believes that the current system does not prepare youth for real world challenges, but instead “teaches them to memorize content.” Muse school was co-founded in 2006 by James Cameron’s wife, Suzy Amis Cameron, and Suzy’s sister, Rebecca Amici. The team set out to create a learning model that equips students with the skills and tools needed to flourish in both higher education and the job market. Questo mese, Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione welcomed Muse School’s Jeff King to learn more.

PISA ha creato con successo un test a cui i leader mondiali prestano attenzione. But those who have followed the decades of research and activism on what kind of education matters for a 21st Century child know that the PISA assessment is fast becoming irrelevant. The kinds of things that we test have become easy to digitize and automate, so is it time to change the content of the world’s leading standardized test? Questo mese, C.M. Rubin, Co-Founder of CMRubinWorld and Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione, says it is time to challenge the content of the PISA test as a holistic assessment of 20esimo Century competencies. Come fa un test accademico che misura ciò che gli studenti in 79 paesi sanno nella lettura, matematica e scienze in età 15 darci i dati sufficienti circa la qualità dei sistemi di istruzione, le capacità degli studenti di prosperare nel mondo di oggi, e la qualità degli insegnanti nelle nostre classi? Rubin notes that while these core subjects remain vital, the PISA test is an assessment with limited 21st contesto secolo, Per es. apprendimento interdisciplinare, uso di strumenti digitali che agli studenti l'accesso nella loro vita quotidiana per la ricerca di conoscenza immediata, e concentrarsi sulle competenze riconosciuto per essere indispensabile a fiorire come un cittadino. She concludes that given PISA’s powerful audience, it’s time to create a more relevant, holistic assessment for global learning.

National award-winning educator, Kris Hupp, the current Director of Technology & Instructional Innovation at the Cornell School District in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, believes students need the knowledge and skills to create original content in an ever-increasing media-rich world. Su 10 anni fa, his school decided to provide students with the opportunity to create and run their own broadcasts. The kinds of skills they wanted to teach included “talking on camera, illuminazione, and camera angles,” says Kris, but they were also focused on “the 4 C di: pensiero critico, creatività, collaborazione, and communication.” With limited resources, the educators found innovative ways to organize a diverse team of students and mentor them to take ownership of the project.

Questo mese, Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione welcomed Kris Hupp and Patricia Dahmen from the Cornell School District to find out more.

We’d all like to thank ourglobal contributors, insegnanti, imprenditori, ricercatori, dirigenti d'azienda, students and thought leaders from every domain who shared perspectives on the future of learning with The Global Search for Educationthis month. We wish you all Happy Holidays and look forward to continuing our important conversations in 2020.

C. M. Rubin (Cathy) è il fondatore di CMRubinWorld, una pubblicazione online società focalizzata sul futuro della formazione globale, e il co-fondatore di Planet aula. Lei è l'autore di tre libri best-seller e due ampiamente leggere serie on-line. Rubin ha ricevuto 3 Upton Sinclair Premi per “The Global Search per l'educazione”. La serie che avvocati per la gioventù è stato lanciato nel 2010 e riunisce leader di pensiero illustri provenienti da tutto il mondo per esplorare la questioni inerenti l'istruzione fondamentali affrontate dalle nazioni.

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Autore: C. M. Rubin

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