东林穿山甲: 世界上被贩运最多的哺乳动物的惊人困境


From Adam Hersko-Ronatas and Elodie Freymann comes a short animated film, 东林穿山甲, about the most heavily trafficked mammal in the world, the pangolin. Voice by Felege Gebru. Music by Warner Meadows and Ezemdi Akalonu.

Pangolins are often described as “scaly anteaters” because they are heavily trafficked for their scales. Oftentimes, scales are used for food and aphrodisiacs. They have long been used in traditional Asian medicine, and additionally their meat is considered a delicacy in Vietnam, China and numerous other countries. These animals were brought into the global spotlight after they were considered one of the potential sources of the coronavirus pandemic. The illegal poaching and trade of pangolins has left them on the brink of extinction. Additionally, the cruelty that is often inflicted on these gentle creatures before they are killed is alarming.

While no solutions are given for solving this problem, aside from where you can donate to help, it is still good to know there are people out there trying to help these animals. I give this short film 4 出 5 星星.

亚历克斯最近毕业于芝加哥哥伦比亚学院,主修喜剧写作 & 表演和电视写作辅修. 除了他作为 CMrubinWorld 星球课堂网络电影选择团队的一部分工作之外, 他曾担任国际儿童媒体中心的筛选小组实习生, 素描作家, and an on-set production assistant at the 61st Annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
