全球搜索教育: 共同点: 为我们的孩子创造一个可持续发展的星球的愿望

这个月, 观众可以放映 共同点 在星球课堂网络上. This film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network by KIDS FIRST! 电影节.

共同点 is a visionary film by Director Frank Fazzio, uniting global filmmakers.

This project’s essence is simple yet profound: filmmakers and interviewees share a common thread—a commitment to a sustainable, thriving planet for future generations. Audiences are invited to witness their collective dedication across nations in this impactful cinematic journey.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Frank Fazzio.

坦率, what motivated you to initiate a project that intertwined filmmakers and children to address global warming in 共同点?

在过去的五年, I’ve dedicated myself to global films, 例如 共同点, which explores concerns over Global Warming impacting the world. My motivation for this film was to hear children’s and filmmakers’ honest perspectives worldwide, driving me to connect with them for the future of our planet and children.

How did you navigate the storytelling to ensure the voices and perspectives of diverse cultures were authentically represented?

By carefully and genuinely collaborating with filmmakers worldwide, 孩子, and their families on the vision and importance of telling this story, 共同点 became a challenging yet rewarding journey for us all. To ensure authentic representation in this film, I spent a year collaborating with the filmmakers. I take pride in the initial months of research and preparation, providing filmmakers with technical details and the film’s vision while welcoming collaborative input.

In what ways do you hope this film will inspire actionable change regarding climate issues among its audiences?

As a passionate filmmaker committed to socially relevant filmmaking, my hope is that our global film projects, influencing communities, serve as opportunities to inspire and initiate conversations among people worldwide. I aim to raise awareness about the profound importance of getting involved in any way possible for the sake of our planet and our children’s future.

What were some of the most impactful moments or insights you gained while working with these young individuals from various countries on this project?

Some of my most impactful moments and insights were gained while working on this film with young individuals from various countries. My awareness was heightened that regardless of the crisis—whether it’s Covid, Global Warming, or Indifferences—if it affects us as adults, it is also impacting our children, and we must listen to their voices. Another valuable lesson from this journey and project is recognizing that people worldwide, including filmmakers like me, share a common thread: the desire for a sustainable and livable planet for our children and their future.

谢谢, 坦率!

C.M. Rubin with Frank Fazzio

不要错过 共同点, 现已在星球课堂网络上直播. This film is curated by KIDS FIRST! 星球课堂网络电影节.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
