我们将如何阅读: 学校?



我们的时代是一个信息时代. 还有我们面临的相关信息,如准确性许多独特的挑战, 所有权, 可访问性和隐私. 生活方式比以前更忙碌, 这意味着我们觉得需要更快地处理信息. 它比以往任何时候,我们听到的是,缺乏媒介素养的担忧似乎更频繁. Whom or what can we trust? Both formal and informal sources of information have been challenged. What does this mean for our children? Naturally that depends on the kind of society we want to create. 然而, I think we would all agree that it is essential we help our children navigate and interpret the vast complex pool of material they are exposed to so as to make informed judgments both as users of information and as future creators of information. Has there ever been a time in our history more crucial for kids to have the right kind of support?

我有幸聊天卡尔·哈维, 学校图书馆员的美国协会有关技能法总统 (加强儿童’ 在学习和图书馆的兴趣) 其中作为大学和职业准备涉及到21世纪的学校图书馆的教育过程的影响,以及其他的东西.

卡尔, 什么是面向21世纪的学校图书馆的问题?

我认为,面对学校图书馆最大的问题是面临着教育为一体的同样问题: budgets and funding. I think schools are grappling with those issues on every level. We are trying to get the funding that we need for collections, 工作人员和其他资源.

I think there is also a perception that if we don’t have the paper books then we don’t need the library or the librarians in schools. I think it’s flawed logic. Information is changing its format; 是的, 它的在线, 这是一个电子书, 这是一本书,你可以下载到一台iPad, but it’s still information. Kids need to know how to evaluate it even more so now than before because there is much more of it. Kids need to be able to determine whether it is useful or valid information. Librarians take the lead in helping educate students through the information jungle, 并用更多的源和格式, the role of the librarian becomes even more critical. So even though paper books are becoming less prominent, 所需要的技能甚至比发生了什么之前,需要更先进. School librarians are critical to helping students navigate through this information explosion.

What are the important changes 21st century school libraries need to make to continue to attract their student audience?

I think school libraries are looking at ways that kids can work in small groups. Libraries are not a quiet place anymore. There are lots of activities and classes going on, including instruction, checking out materials, bringing in special speakers, bringing in the community, letting the kids perform, and setting up a café or a special place like that. Libraries are always looking at services they can provide to their patrons. I think the other thing that is the big draw is that when you come to that library you also have that librarian. You have someone you can quickly go to for help in terms of facilitating your project. If a kid is off somewhere by himself, he may not have that support or service. And so I think all those things combined create a place where kids want to go.


What will 21st century school libraries do as digital books become more and more accessible?

I think we will do what we’ve always done each time we got a new format, such as audio books and video tapes. We figure out what is the best way to provide those types of resources for our patrons. What is more difficult with ebooks is the vast amount of different readers that are out there. It is therefore a more complicated issue to figure out. Right now you are seeing different pockets of people trying different things to try and figure out what might be the best plan, and I don’t know that the best plan exists yet. We have a product here called myOn Reader which uses ebooks from a library publisher. We also have Playaways. We also have ebooks from other publisherscatalogs, so there are many different things which we are exploring, trying to see what might be the best system. At this point it’s all still new and people are trying to figure out what the best model is going to be. We have students with many different devices (or no devices), so how do we make sure the resources we’re purchasing can work on a multitude of platforms and devices? How do we provide access for students who don’t have devices? Lots of issues to consider.

So if I asked what is the timetable to opening library doors to a digital library what might your response be?

There are school libraries that are already doing that but there is not a consistent way across the country that this is being done. We’re asking ourselves: what are my patrons asking for? That’s what we need to figure out. It’s in process. Ebooks is a very hot topic in our field at this point.

Why is the Skills Act so important?

(注: The Skills Act was conceived to help improve student achievement by ensuring more students have access to effective school library programs that will allow them to compete in today’s information age. The Skills Act would provide more funding to enhance library programs such as digital literacy instruction for librarians, 人员编制在学校图书馆增加, 图书馆员和教师之间进行更好的协调, 并降低了 “接入差距” 学校在富裕社区与那些有高水​​平的贫困之间。)

什么时候 “不让一个孩子掉队” 传递, school libraries were not mentioned at all in the legislation. Our hope with the Skills Act is to put school libraries in and be recognized as a vital part of the school ecosystem and as important educators in the school system. The Skills Act asks that government support school library programs so that they support all students. We are trying to paint the picture of what a 21st century school library should look likea digital collection with digital resources as well as print. We’re trying to get some funding for school libraries targeted from the Federal level. 欲了解更多信息: HTTP://www.ala.org/aasl/congressionalbriefing

Any final thoughts on 21st century school libraries: why are they such an important part of our culture and why must we continue to support them?

I think all libraries in general provide their patrons access to information whether online or print. That access is a core value. School librarians are also teachers. And so their role is to help students figure out how they get through all of the information that is out there. How do I figure out if this is valid? How do I figure out if this is relevant? As information continues to explode, there is a limit as to how much content school is going to be able to cover in K through 12. 因此,, 我们要为我们的孩子们用的流程和系统来处理所有他们会获得超越他们在学校得到的内容的信息, so that when they leave us, they can find the information they need for their job and figure out how to use it effectively. I think that the school library’s place is to help with that process.

卡尔·哈维和C. M. 鲁宾

照片由卡尔·哈维和Henmead企业, 公司.

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ç. M. 鲁宾是两个广为传诵的在线系列,她接受了笔者 2011 厄普顿·辛克莱奖, “全球搜索教育”和“如何将我们阅读?“她也是三本畅销书, 其中 真正的爱丽丝梦游仙境.

按照ç. M. 鲁宾在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
