Az Almák és narancsok című filmben Rukshana Tabassum egyszerű, de nélkülözhetetlen történetet mesél el

Do you prefer apples over oranges or oranges over apples

Apple and Oranges is an award-winning film (National Film Awards for best Educational Film) written and directed by the incredible Ruskshana Tabassum that tells a simple but essential story. The film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network YouTube Channel by LXL Ideas.

Alma és narancs is produced by the School Cinema division of LXL Ideas. The organization is a film-based learning module focused on life skills and values for students, szülők és pedagógusok. Tabassum pulls inspiration from her own personal experiences to craft this beautiful satirical film. The story transcends the fictional world it is placed in and makes the viewer think about the world they live in.

Alma és narancs takes us to the fantasy country of Fruitistan, where the citizens are divided into two communities, the apple eaters, and the orange eaters. We follow two young girls, Daisy Apple and Tulip Orange, who form a friendship without knowing that they stand on the opposite side of the “fight”. We spend a lot of time watching their friendship develop into something special. It is not until Tulip finds out that Daisy is an apple eater that their friendship quickly falls apart. Due to preconceived notions and biases, media outlets and social media negatively influence both girls. Because the film takes its time to show the blossoming of this friendship, viewers can feel both Daisy and Tulip’s sadness. Can their friendship survive?

From the stop motion opening to the happy ending, this film is alluring and may leave the viewers a little teary-eyed. It is evident that Tabassum knows her craft well. Every shot in this film is deliberate and enhances what is happening in the scene. Például, before Daisy and Tulip form a friendship, there are many wide camera angles, but as they become friends, the shots become tighter. When their friendship goes south, the camera goes back to a wide-angle. Tabassum also uses this camera technique when the two girls are around their family. The film is about 22 minutes long but it held my interest. The two young actresses who play Daisy and Tulip give outstanding performances.

Teljes, this is a must-see film! I would give Alma és narancs 4.5 kívül 5 csillagok. The film is both well executed and entertaining. This film’s lessons will resonate with kids in elementary all the way to college students taking a 101-film course.

Justin DeCausey is a graduate student at Sacred Heart University studying Broadcast Journalism and Media Production. With a B.A. in TV Producing, he wants to help improve the narrative of people of color in media. In addition to contributing to CMRubinWorld, this multimedia producer has worked on various scripted and unscripted tv and film projects.

Szerző: C. M. Rubin

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