
“Research has shown us time and time again that the arts and social impact learning unite people across borders.” – C.M. 鲁宾

CMRubinWorld很高兴宣布Planet教室网络, 为期六个月的世界学习博览会,汇集了国际讲故事者社区, 设计思想家和新技术创造者,通过YouTube向全世界的年轻人展示娱乐性强,引人入胜的节目, 从一月开始 4, 2021.

季节 1 of the Planet Classroom Network for youth by youth will feature programming from over 20 major global organizations enabling young audiences to experience stories from every part of the world.

Planet Classroom is committed to supporting youth well-being, unity, 包容性, and addressing our planet’s global challenges.

Planet Classroom will feature engaging video content curated by over 20 global cultural institutions including Global Nomads, 全球统一, 玛莎·格雷厄姆舞蹈团, 公会, 儿童至上!, 梦想梦想基金会, 挑战 59, LXL 的想法, 青年艺术家联盟 & 作家/学术艺术 & 写作奖, 创意视觉基金会, 电池舞, SIMA Studios/SIMA Classroom, 为地球发出年轻的声音, 巴德音乐学院, 走向全球, 艺术材料, 图书创作者, XTalksWorldListens, NFFTY, 纽约市青年合唱团, 国际和平文学与文化论坛, 等等.

At the heart of the Planet Classroom Network vision is the belief that empowering youth through creativity and innovation fosters well-being and skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Young audiences will be able to immerse themselves in narratives from different cultures and view their peers through a global lens that supports multiculturalism and inspires communities to both unite and heal.

“We know there is still much to learn from our brothers and sisters across oceans and time zones as we work towards a healthier future for everyone,” stated John Cloud Kaiser, Director of Education at Materials for the Arts.

“Our film, What to Do About Climate Change? (curated by Commffest), explores avenues available for making progress, while capturing the passion of protesters and activists who understand the perils of maintaining business as usual,” relayed Director Eric Simon.

“We are very excited to be working with Planet Classroom in this brilliant initiative. Literacy is such an important skill, but we know that a lot of kids today are not motivated to write. We believe that’s because they don’t have an audience for their writing,” noted Dan Kemp, Marketing and Community Manager, Book Creator.

“Documentaries play a powerful role in inspiring and uniting people around the world, and along with other curators, we look forward to sharing powerful international stories on critical issues such as poverty, 教育, gender equality, race and responsible consumption and production,” conveyed Daniela Kon Lieberberg, Founder and Executive Director of SIMA Studios.

“We are excited to have this opportunity to foster more dialogue and understanding among the world’s youth,” said Courtney Welsh, Chief Executive Officer of Global Nomads.

“A well-made film can teach life lessons better than most teachers today. We look forward to sharing our youth films on Planet Classroom,” commented Syed Sultan Ahmed, Founder and Chief Learner, LXL 的想法.

“Dance cannot just be about learning a system of physical moves. 它包括的方式来实施的思考, 即兴, risk taking and using your imagination,” shared Janet Eilber, 艺术总监, 玛莎葛兰姆舞团.

“Every young person, 不管他们住在哪里, has an interesting story to tell. On Planet Classroom we hope to hear them all,” noted Alex Bell, Founder of XTalksWorldListens.

“Research has shown us time and time again that the arts and social impact learning unite people across borders. The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic and societal consequences have amplified an already existing crisis of youth mental health and created new barriers for those who seek care and support. We came to the conclusion the world’s youth needed their own YouTube channel where they can work with each other and seek sustainable solutions for their planet,” said CMRubinWorld Co-Founder and CEO, Cathy Rubin.

A full list of Planet Classroom Network curators and the program schedule for Season 1 will be available closer to the launch date.


星球课堂网络, 由CMRubinWorld组织, 汇集了音乐家, 舞者, 电子游戏创作者, 电影制片人, 向来自世界各地的创新者和新兴技术专家学习, 教育和青年参与, 并在无法访问各地艺术和学习机构的时候提供丰富的文化体验. 星球课堂网络是由青年为青年而设计的. 来自世界各地的年轻人在概念化方面发挥了重要作用, 创造, 并产生网络的愿景和程序。

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
