Neel Menon lányainak otthon kell maradni Beszélgetések a nemek közötti egyenlőség fontos és kritikus témájáról.

By Ishana Sen Das

Girls Should Stay at Home, rendezte: Neel Menon, három Mumbaiban élő fiatal nő történetét dokumentálja; ezek a nők mindegyike a maga módján szorgalmazta a hagyományos nemi normákat. Geetától halljuk, aki nemzetközi kerekesszékes kosárlabdát játszik, Rajani, Mumbai első női nyomozója, és Anita, aki köztisztviselő. We learn about their experiences in each of their respective fields as well as the difficulties of being a woman in Mumbai. Despite the bleak statistics about gender inequality displayed at the beginning and end, the film takes an upbeat tone. It ends with candid advice for all women from Geeta, Rajani and Anita.

This documentary is unique in that it recognizes ordinary women creating space for themselves in a patriarchal world. It celebrates the achievements of women who are not celebrities or historical figures. The film centers around women who have taken up careers that are somewhat unconventional. In doing so, the film speaks to the infinite possibilities open for women. As Geeta says in her final advice for all women, “there are many routes you can take.” This acknowledgment rebels against the traditional expectations for women which box them into certain paths and professions.

I thought the film succeeded in connecting three seemingly very different individuals to paint the larger portrait of women pushing against societal limitations.

I would rate this movie 5/5.

Ishana is a junior at Duke University. She is majoring in Literature with a minor in Cinematic Arts and Environmental Science. She enjoys watching and writing about films, as well as learning about filmmaking and production.

Szerző: C. M. Rubin

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