Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Resta vicino alle lezioni sulla resilienza, Etnia e identità

 “From the audience’s responses to our film we have learned how universal something can be when it is very personal.” – Luther Clement

The co-directors of Stare vicino, Shuhan Fan and Luther Clement, began collaborating as MFA students at Northwestern University in 2016.

Their film tells the story of Keeth Smart, a Black American from Brooklyn who overcame tremendous hardships to become the first American to reach No. 1 in the world of saber fencing. The documentary premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival to enthusiastic reviews and was later nominated for Best Documentary Short at the 2020 Oscars. Stare vicino uses a montage of original home videos, black and white animation, interviews and Keith’s own narration to tell us this inspiring true story in 19 verbale. The film has been featured in a number of film festival school programs.

Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione welcomed Filmmaker Luther Clement.

“Our focus was on family connection.” – Luther Clement

Luther, please tell us in your own words what you have learned from the audience for Stare vicino?   

From the audience’s responses to our film, we have learned how universal something can be when it is very personal. The film is made from personal, unique materials to tell this extraordinary family story and we wanted to keep to Keeth’s voice and manner as best we could. We were amazed at how the resilience, humor, and love resonated with such a wide spectrum of people.

The animation combined with the family’s home movie footage which Keeth and his sister Erinn shared with you really enhance the storytelling. Why did you choose to use these techniques for this particular story?  

Once Keeth and Erinn gifted us their personal archive we decided to structure the film around that visual aesthetic. The animation and musical score were made more messy to fit the amateur hand of Keeth and the framing device of the analog technology that Keeth is using to show how his visuals became part of the design.

“There are many surface lessons about resilience as well as subtextual lessons about preconceptions of ethnicity and Identity.” – Luther Clement

The film is very personalyou focus on Keeth Smart the person and on the family that supported him in realizing his dream. You focus less on the sport of fencing and Keeth’s perspective when he’s fencing. Interested to know why you chose to take this approach?  

Any bit of explanation of fencing would have sent us down a rabbit hole, needing to explain more and more for the audience to understand any of our explanation, because the rules of fencing are unfamiliar to everyone. Our focus was on family connection.

How would you like to see the film used as a resource in learning organizations?

We are thankful that our film has been used in multiple film festival schools programs. There are many surface lessons about resilience as well as subtextual lessons about preconceptions of ethnicity and identity.

What’s next for you as filmmakers?  A cosa stai lavorando adesso?

We are working on a feature film with Keeth and Erinn Smart, among other projects.

Watch Stay Close the film here:

C.M. Rubin and Luther Clement

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C. M. Rubin (Cathy) è il fondatore di CMRubinWorld, un in linea casa editrice focalizzata sul futuro dell'apprendimento globale, e il co-fondatore di Planet Classroom. È autrice di tre best seller libri e due serie in linea molto lette. Rubin ha ricevuto 3 Upton Sinclair Premi per "The Global Search for Education". La serie, quale fautori della Gioventù, è stato lanciato nel 2010 e riunisce leader di pensiero illustri provenienti da tutto il mondo per esplorare la chiave questioni inerenti l'istruzione affrontato dalle nazioni.

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Autore: C. M. Rubin

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