全球搜索教育: 导演萨姆巴维·苏布拉马尼想解决月经禁忌

这个月的观众可以放映 句号 by Saambhavi Subramani on the Planet Classroom Network YouTube Channel. Saambhavi explores the various cost effective and hygienic sanitary products menstruating women can use, while seeking to eradicate any taboo surrounding the topic. Her short animated film comes at a time when the need for more eco-friendly hygiene products in a world choked with plastic waste is greater than ever before.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Saambhavi Subramani from Bangalore in India.

The points you touch on in 句号 对世界各地的许多女性来说真的很重要. 为什么你认为这是一个经常被忽视和讨论不足的话题? 

是的, 关于月经的讨论 句号 很重要,因为它涉及月经健康。这个话题被忽视了,因为人们认为月经很脏, 和尴尬的谈论. 缺乏教育在这里也起作用. 重要的是要教育公众了解这种促进健康的基本身体机能, 意识, 以及更多创新. 虽然我们还有很长的路要走, because of the societal taboos surrounding the subject. Even advertisements on TV use blue liquid to represent period blood.

I really enjoyed the use of props and handmade materials for the film. How did you develop this style, and how does it speak to the message you are trying to spread in the film?

This was one of my first attempts at stop motion/Claymation, and it ended up being a lot more work than I’d expected! I thought that instead of a serious documentary-style video, a brighter animated video might appeal more to the audience, and make the subject of menstruation a little more approachable and interesting.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic increased, changed, or intensified the message of 句号?

Since a lot of people do not have access to resources, especially due to the instability caused by the pandemic, cheaper and sturdier alternatives to single use-products have seen a rise in demand. Shopping outside has also been discouraged, so reusable products like menstrual cups and pads have a larger appeal now.There has also been an increase in information spread about such issues during quarantine since we spent a considerable amount of time on our devices. Many charities have seen a growth in donations during the pandemic, as well as demand for products.

Which organizations or charities can viewers of 句号  support to further the goals mentioned in the film? Are there other ways besides spreading the message, doing research, and donating, that can help viewers further the goals outlined in the film?

During my research for this project, I found a lot of organizations that have been doing an amazing job advancing menstrual health, dignity, and helping to create opportunities for everyone, including Binti, Days for Girls, and I Support the Girls. There are so many charities around the world like these that aim to help people in need by distributing resources and creating awareness. Donating is very helpful, and spreading the message is even more so, as it also prompts change and donations. Doing research, I also came across biodegradable pads made of corn and banana waste, which repurposed waste, and helped farmers and the planet. Besides donations and research, it’s imperative that people apply the changes in their own life. As Gandhi once said, be the change you wish to see in the world.

C.M. Rubin and Saambhavi Subramani

不要错过 句号 by Saambhavi Subramani, now showing on the Planet Classroom Network YouTube Channel (Curated by LXL Ideas).

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
