全球搜索教育: 用底特律荨麻疹重建生活

本月在 星球课堂网络, audiences around the world can screen 底特律蜂巢, 蒂姆·保尔(Tim Paule)和妮可·林赛(Nicole Lindsey)主持的关于底特律东区一个城市养蜂场的简短纪录片, a young couple working to create opportunities for Detroit natives.

Directed by Palmer Morse and Rachel Weinberg, 电影探讨了将多样性带入养蜂业和重建城市内社区的重要性. 我们所吃食物的三分之一取决于授粉. 保尔和林赛, 其座右铭是“努力工作”, 保持谦虚,美化社区的工作, educate people and improve the environment at the same time.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey.

Detroit Hives converts vacant lots in the Detroit area into spaces for urban bee 耕作. These gardens provide fruits and vegetables to the community, 还有 as a location for bees to cross-pollinate. What are some additional benefits of the emergence of this type of non-profit organization

Additional benefits include using our platform to educate inner city youth on the importance of bee conservation. We provide tours to give the community an opportunity to explore an urban hive and see the inner workings of a bee colony. 最后, 通过将空地改造成绿色空间的过程, 我们能够通过解决枯萎病问题来提高居民的生活质量, 空置空间内的犯罪和暴力.

在底特律蜂巢工作的人非常热衷于教育当地学区的年轻人,让他们接触他们可能不熟悉的野生动物. 学生从实践保护工作的人那里学习科学可以获得什么?

学生可以获得对科学的新视角以及它如何影响他们的日常生活. 他们将其视为有形的东西,并且将成为现实世界中的实用解决方案.

底特律蜂巢公司表示,它正在挑战对在美国进行养蜂业的刻板印象. Why is it important to encourage and promote diversity in all professions?

In order to create a sustainable environment, it’s important that we support biodiversity. Every living thing plays its part to contribute to the ecosystem. This very same theory needs to be applied in all professions. This gives everyone a chance to thrive, flourish, contribute and collectively work together to achieve a higher goal.

What do you believe are the most important takeaways for audiences from your film? 您希望看到这部电影如何有所作为?

You can inspire the world by making one small change. Whether it’s cleaning up a park, 回收利用, or even planting flowers to attract more pollinators. You can Bee The Change. Through this film I would love to see others inspired to take on challenges within their own communities, along with learning how pollinators can play a huge part in creating sustainable communities.


C.M. Rubin with Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey

(All Photos are Courtesy of SIMA Studios)

Watch 底特律蜂巢星球课堂网络

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
