全球搜索教育: 电影《太空熊》讲述的是友谊以及合作如何克服挑战

这个月的观众可以放映 太空熊电影, KIDS FIRST 为 Planet Classroom Network 策划! Film Festival.

迈克·施莱夫 导演, 太空熊电影 很棒, 简短的 2D 动画电影,带有关于友谊的精彩信息。邪恶的格洛普国王想要接管银河系。太空熊山姆与佐伊合作, 贝卡和其他朋友想办法阻止他.

全球搜索教育 很高兴欢迎 Mike Schleif.

创造一个引人入胜但有影响力的儿童寓言在历史上是困难的. 你使用了哪些技巧来让年轻观众了解这个故事?

我的大女儿帮助写了这个故事. 她也是贝卡的声音. 她为吸引她的内容以及她认为从她的角度将其包含在故事中会很有趣的内容做出了贡献. 她经常会读一个场景并告诉我它应该以不同的方式展开, 一种对她的年龄段更有吸引力的方式.

The Friendship Spacegem is another form of a concept we see often in children’s tales around the world. What do you think makes the idea of friendship so powerful to children, and how is it helpful in instilling important learning?

The core of the story is about how friendship and working together can overcome challenges. I think it’s important to teach children about friendship and being kind to others to help make a positive impact in other people’s lives and in the community.

There are multiple nods to consumerism in the story, such as purchasing merchandise and premium spacesuit packages, both of which “will not stop King Glopp alone.”

The story of Super Action Space Bear Sam portrays him as a powerful hero, but even with his huge fanbase, high end product line, and souped up gadgets, it’s the bond that he makes with Becca and Zoe that helps him achieve his goals.

Why do you think consumer skepticism is an important theme to introduce to kids going forward?

While it can be viewed to parallel real or historic events, the movie was really simply about good versus evil and how working together can overcome seemingly impossible odds.


现在, I am working on an educational series with my youngest daughter. It’s called Space Bear Friends and it takes place in a school setting. That and other Space Bear projects can be found on my website spacecubstudio.com.

Thank you Mike!

C M Rubin and Mike Schleif

不要错过 太空熊电影, 现在在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映. This film is curated for the Planet Classroom Network by Kids First! 电影节.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
