全球搜索教育: “委内瑞拉的绿色公民” Manuel Diaz 与 Net Zero 的 Ricardo Delgado 交谈

净零 is the highly anticipated new video and podcast series in which youth leaders from 流行音乐 (保护我们的星球) 移动 星球课堂 track the progress being made by international thought leaders to achieve Net Zero by 2050. The first episode of this original video series kicks off on the Planet Classroom Network this month. Global audiences are invited to watch climate activist Ricardo Delgado’s compelling interview in central Venezuela with Manuel Diaz, 也被称为 “Green Citizen of Venezuela.” Diaz is an executive and activist who has dedicated his life to protecting the environment. 何. Diaz currently chairs the Green Life International Foundation, co-chairs the Green Citizen Foundation and directs the Global Green.

全球搜索教育 caught up with Ricardo Delgado in Venezuela to find out more about the interview.

Ricardo, why did you select Manuel Diaz to interview

When I was a little boy, I met Manuel during a talk I attended in my primary school. He used to be known (and still he is) as “the green citizen,” and as a child, that sparked my imagination. Manuel was like a vision of a superhero for all little kids, but when he came in and started talking, he was as human as a man could be. That was the first time I was deeply instructed about the importance of our environment and not just how, but why we needed to preserve it. Fast forward to the present, I’ve had the opportunity to work and learn alongside him, which has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.


The conclusion I got from Manuel Diaz from the interview: how achievable and possible it is for us to unify society, both the private and public sector, for the preservation of our Mother Earth. However, despite all of this, it’s been our greatest challenge, as those who hold the power are not exactly willing to use it appropriately. I think climate change would have been solved a long time ago if we had only worked for the love of our world and not for the love of our individual ambitions.

有哪些 3 main takeaways for the Net Zero audience from your interview with Dr. Diaz?

I would say the first takeaway is that the prioritization of Climate Change is needed by all our political leaders. Second, a deep commitment in terms of civic participation is essential, but this has proven so far to be about the will to act. Finally, we learn why organizations around the country and the world still need to work together on improvements in many areas.

Thank you Ricardo!

C.M. Rubin and Ricardo Delgado

Ricardo Delgado adds his voice to that of the young people of Net Zero, who from different parts of the world monitor the actions that leaders employ to achieve their commitments to zero carbon emissions. 不要错过 Delgado’s Net Zero interview with Manuel Diaz 本月在星球课堂网络上.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
