La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Serez-vous mon stylo numérique Pal?

“Pour les étudiants qui ont jamais eu l'occasion de voyager à l'extérieur de leur ville ou pays, ce genre d'expérience d'apprentissage collaboratif peut être complètement transformateur.” – Joe Troyen

Une occasion de découvrir d'autres cultures et modes de vie directement à partir d'un eux-mêmes semble ses pairs internationaux comme une façon évidente de nourrir les compétences mondiales. Si, where’s the app and when can classrooms get started?

Joe Troyen est le fondateur de tous les pays Ecoles, une organisation qui relie plus d'un quart des étudiants de millions 150 pays d'apprendre ensemble grâce à des projets de collaboration en ligne. Tout des droits de l'homme à un environnement durable à la littérature à la robotique est intégrée dans le programme qui permet aux étudiants d'étudier avec des salles de classe dans le monde entier et de développer une gamme de compétences, y compris la lecture, écriture, la culture numérique, et la compétence interculturelle. Troyen a commencé à penser à son entreprise quand il était étudiant à l'université espagnol et a été incapable de trouver quelqu'un pour pratiquer la langue avec. Years later he teamed up with a friend working at NPR and they came up with the idea of “connecting students to share perspectives on current events.” They created an app with a “news-focused curriculum” and discovered that teachers were interested in trying it out. They quickly learned that the real value in their app was “providing students with an authentic audience, which increased their engagement in what they were learning.” Feedback from teachers indicated that students were “extremely motivated” to read the texts and write persuasive answers because, pour la première fois,, ils écrivaient à une personne réelle et non pas seulement leur professeur.

La recherche globale pour l'éducation is pleased to welcome Joe Troyen to talk about what’s next for PenPal Schools (reconnu par le président Obama comme l'une des grandes entreprises sociales du monde.)

“Jusqu'ici, nous avons connecté 326,000 les étudiants de plus de 8,000 écoles de 150 différents pays.” – Joe Troyen

Joe, comment a e-learning évolué depuis que vous avez commencé dans tous les pays Ecoles 2012? Quelles différences avez-vous vu dans la manière d'utiliser les salles de classe aujourd'hui technologie moderne pour améliorer l'apprentissage par rapport à quand vous avez commencé?

Depuis 2012, nous avons continué à apprendre une tonne d'enseignants, and PenPal Schools has evolved from a simple platform to share perspectives on current events into a global project-based learning community where students can collaborate on all kinds of topics. This follows a trend we’ve noticed in global education across the board. Teachers used to be interested in connecting globally to bring more global awareness into their classroom, but now teachers are more excited about connecting globally to collaborate, créer, and deepen the learning experience for students. Teachers see value in global connections in classes that they might not have before, such as science and math.

How does your program narrow the “global skills gap” and the “global citizen gap”?

Global citizenship includes a lot of the skills that teachers are always focused on, even in traditional classrooms: compétences en communication, like reading and writing, digital citizenship, and social and emotional skills. Cependant, students still learn in a traditional model where their communication hardly ever extends outside of the classroom. On PenPal Schools, students can practice global skills authentically by connecting and collaborating with peers from around the world in a safe digital space. Pour les étudiants qui ont jamais eu l'occasion de voyager à l'extérieur de leur ville ou pays, this kind of collaborative learning experience can be completely transformative.

At PenPal Schools, we believe that learning is better together.” – Joe Troyen

Let’s say a teacher wants to implement your program into their curriculum. How do they get started?

It’s so easy for teachers to get started on PenPal Schools. Première, teachers visit to sign up and select a topic for their students to explore. With over 40 topics available related to science, histoire, English language arts, math, art, langues étrangères, et plus, there is something for every teacher!

Once teachers select a topic, they invite their students to join. Students also sign up at and join the topic using their teacher’s unique classroom code. Once students have joined the topic, they can begin exploring lessons and connecting with PenPals.

One of the most popular topics on PenPal Schools is World Explorer. It’s a great first topic for new teachers! Cette helpful flyer can also help teachers get started.

Comment choix beaucoup d'étudiants et de la voix des élèves est intégrée dans votre programme pour les salles de classe?

When teachers and students join a topic, they’ll find lessons, project options, and materials organized and ready to go. Students choose their own project option and self-navigate through the lessons. Students also have a lot of choice when it comes to their PenPals! Through global student forums, students can search for specific countries to connect with, as well as choose their own PenPals.

L'année dernière, a PenPal from Kentucky participated in Holidays & Festivals of the World and designed her own holiday: Everybody Matters Day. She got the support of other schools in her area to help advocate to her mayor, who signed an official proclamation making February 14, 2018 ‘Everybody Matters Day!’ PenPals around the world celebrated that day, trop! Learn more about Everybody Matters Day ici.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in this program and how would you describe your achievements to date?

We are proud of the size of our community, which has grown thanks to teacher recommendations and word of mouth! Jusqu'ici, nous avons connecté 326,000 les étudiants de plus de 8,000 écoles de 150 différents pays.

One of the biggest challenges we’ve faced is administrator buy-in. It’s easy for teachers to get excited about PenPal Schools, but when principals just hear the name and don’t take a closer look, they may not think it’s worth the class time. That’s why we’ve really made learning the focus of everything and aligned all content to academic standards.

How are you planning to build/develop PenPal Schools in the next 10 ans? Quels sont vos objectifs clés?

At PenPal Schools, we believe that learning is better together. Dans 10 ans, I hope that all students will have the opportunity to connect and learn with PenPals, both at school with their teachers or at home with their parents. This means continued growth in schools around the world and the development of a new parent app.

Sensationnel – we can’t wait to see it. Merci Joe.

C M Rubin et Joe Troyen

Merci à notre 800 plus contributeurs mondiaux, enseignants, entrepreneurs, chercheurs, des chefs d'entreprise, les étudiants et les leaders d'opinion de tous les domaines pour partager vos points de vue sur l'avenir de l'apprentissage avec La recherche globale pour l'éducation chaque mois.

C. M. Rubin (Cathy) est le fondateur de CMRubinWorld, une société d'édition en ligne axée sur l'avenir de l'apprentissage global et le co-fondateur de la planète en classe. Elle est l'auteur de trois best-seller des livres et deux lectures séries en ligne largement. Rubin a reçu 3 Upton Sinclair Prix pour « La recherche mondiale pour l'éducation ». La série qui milite pour tous les apprenants a été lancé en 2010 et rassemble les leaders d'opinion distingués du monde entier à explorer les principaux enjeux de l'éducation auxquels font face les nations.

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Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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