全球搜索教育 – 大厦大脑中寓教于乐

“我们希望孩子爱学习, 并最终成为终身学习者。” – 尼莎利根

提供教育每一个孩子, 即使在曝光被限制的区域, 是为子孙后代的成功至关重要. 在非洲一些这些有限的地区的存在. 有充分利用现代传媒技术和娱乐的力量,达到与有趣的儿童组织, 孩子为中心, 本地化寓教于乐接合, 教识字对所有年龄段的孩子, 更好地准备他们学校.

尼莎利根是一个编剧, 电影制片人, 和联合创始人兼CEO Ubongo的, 孩子们在寓教于乐非洲的主要生产商之一. 该组织通过电视在非洲达到数百万家庭, 无线电, 和手机以其寓教于乐的内容,帮助孩子们学习. Ubongo始建于 2013 由一群动画师, 教育家, 演员, 和谁是有意关闭在坦桑尼亚的学习差距,并提供孩子在低成本和大规模通过技术住户有意义的学习经验的电影制片人已经在使用. 今天, 两个电视剧了, 头脑和我儿童, 可达 11.2 万元户跨越 9 非洲国家. 头脑和我 is designed for kids from Ages 3 至6岁. 其核心内容包括对前识字, 算术, 和社会情绪学习. 儿童大脑 targets kids from ages 8 到14岁. 这个节目的重点是教学STEM和21世纪的生活技能,例如数字扫盲, 金融知识, and critical thinking. 全球搜索教育 邀请尼莎利根,以了解更多.

“我们真正关注的影响, 因此我们一直在做焦点小组和调查,以衡量并确保我们与您联系并参与孩子和家长。” – 尼莎利根

尼莎, 你提供了一个寓教于乐的模式,提供有效, localized learning to African families. How would you describe the main takeaways for the kids from your programming?

我们希望孩子爱学习,最终成为终身学习者. 我们希望孩子们明白,他们是创意, 开发一个增长的心态; 而非固定的思维, 他们应该是批判思想家, 以及人道和同情的人. 有很多科学的, 工程, 和数学题目,我们覆盖 儿童大脑. 然而, the things I mentioned before are what’s really important and will help children become the problem solvers Africa needs.

当涉及到 头脑和我 年龄阶层, 有一些发展的里程碑,我们试图通过我们的节目有利于. 因此,我们注重售前识字, 预算术, 运动技能, 社会情感学习, and some critical behavioral habits like hygiene and nutrition.

How would you describe the shows’ greatest achievements so far?

There are many things we can celebrate like winning the Next Billion EdTech or some of the funding we’ve gotten. 然而, what matters most to us is impact. 我们真正关注的影响, and we’re constantly doing focus groups and surveys to measure that and make sure we’re reaching and engaging kids and parents. We conducted an impact evaluation in 2016 in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Public Health, and the results were published in 2017. The study showed that children who watched 头脑和我 in Tanzania experienced 12% higher school readiness than kids who had watched other cartoons.

此外, we recently worked with Acumen’s Lean Data initiative to survey parents in East Africa about the impact of our shows on their kids. From the preliminary results, 63% of parents in Tanzania say that our programs have positively impacted their lives, 和 99% say they’ve positively impacted their children’s lives.

We also did another study, which found that 3/4 of urban kids and 1/2 of rural kids can name our characters. That’s really exciting, since it shows that even kids who don’t have a lot of access to TV are finding out about the characters and brand in other ways!

I would say that language adaptation is both our greatest challenge and greatest opportunity.” – 尼莎利根

I know language adaptation has been a challenge for your programming. Tell us a little more about how you deal with that.

I would say that language adaptation is both our greatest challenge and greatest opportunity.

我们有 440 万名儿童在非洲, 和联合国儿童基金会估计, 2 十亿 更将诞生在未来 3 几十年! 这是孩子们的大陆, 并有巨大的增长空间! 但是,他们在说话 1000 different languages.

我们永远不会覆盖所有, 但我们有一个机会,带来质量, 有趣, 寓教于乐的语言和地方的孩子的电视节目从未存在. 这是实现学习成果的关键, 并且它也需要参与到一个完全不同的水平,当你把东西在当地语言. 这是神奇的,看看孩子们如何亮起来,当他们看到动画片连自己的语言为有史以来第一次!

但是,每一种语言都有不同的细微差别, 和很多人都没有系统化. 我们最近都在努力去适应我们的颜色歌曲,其中黄色和橙色没有区分语言之一,是同一个词!

我们仍在发展我们的流程和发展我们的能力,以适应内容,同时保持教育质量 — to ensure that songs still have catchy rhythm and rhymeand really making the content sound and feel local.

Our other big challenge is in deciding what not to do. 有这么多不同的事情可以做, but we have to prioritize and make sure we really invest in the most important, high impact opportunities, and do those things really well, so we can bring transformative content to all of those 440 万名儿童在非洲!

“这是孩子们的大陆, 并有巨大的增长空间! 但是,他们在说话 1000 different languages.” – 尼莎利根

Looking ahead – Can you share some of the new content coming soon from Ubongo?

We are currently working on Season 5 的 儿童大脑, 季节 3 的 头脑和我, and also piloting a new pan-African show. We are also developing more content for caregivers and will be launching a caregiver kit where parents and guardians can access videos, 工作表, and learning resources to use at home with their children to support their development and cognitive stimulation.



感谢您对我们的 800 加 全球贡献者, 教师, 企业家, 研究人员, 商界领袖, 从每个域对学习的未来与您分享观点的学生和思想领袖 全球搜索教育 每月.

ç. M. 鲁宾 (凯茜) 是CMRubinWorld的创始人, 在线出版公司,专注于全球学习的未来和地球课堂的联合创始人. 她是三本畅销书和两个广泛阅读网上系列的作者. 鲁宾收到 3 厄普顿·辛克莱奖“全球搜索教育”. 它倡导为所有学习者在推出该系列 2010 并汇集了来自世界各地的杰出的思想领袖,共同探讨所面临的国家的关键教育问题.

按照ç. M. 鲁宾在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld


作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
