Around the World in 30 Nap - március 2018

Around the World in 30 Nap - március 2018

C.M. Rubin’s Global Education Report How do you develop a cost-effective quality learning model for the 21st Century for disadvantaged children in small rural schools scattered across Colombia? Yidan Prize winner Vicky Colbert tells us this month how she focused on building an innovative education model in which key strategies were cooperative learning and cross-peer tutoring. Colbert and her team at Fundacion Escuela Nueva...

A Global Search for Education: Te annyira jó, mint a robot?

A Global Search for Education: Te annyira jó, mint a robot?

“We should be working harder to figure out how soon large-scale employment disruption will occur and exactly what income policies will be needed when the time comes.” — Elliott/Van Damme Technological advances are going to change work skills in the future and leave certain kinds of workers unemployable. egy új könyv, Számítógépek és jövője Ügyességi Demand, használ egy teszt alapján az OECD felmérése Felnőtt készségek (PIAAC) to compare...
