全球搜索教育: 赋权青年,塑造环境意识——专访导演 Nikki Hausherr

这个月, 观众可以放映 Waste Management Education Project 在星球课堂网络上. 这部电影由 Planet Classroom 为 Planet Classroom Network 策划.

Waste Management Education Project, directed by Nikki Hausherr, showcases a young Ugandan artist’s initiative to educate youth about trash management.

Through creative endeavors, the artist transforms trash into treasures, emphasizing the importance of reusing materials. Filmed in Kampala, 乌干达, the micro-documentary highlights sustainable practices and community benefits.

全球搜索教育 很高兴欢迎 Director Nikki Hausherr.

Nikki, what inspired you to direct Waste Management Education Project, and why did you choose to focus on educating youth about trash management?

现在, 比以往更, we as humans are creating more and more waste and contributing to environmental problems that affect everyone worldwide. The inefficiency of our large-scale recycling programs is in the news, and the community in Kampala is leading a grassroots movement to manage their waste. Change comes from educating the youth to create solutions to current problems, and that’s exactly what the Waste Management Education Project does.

Can you discuss the process of filming on location in Kampala, 乌干达, and the challenges or highlights you encountered during production?

Filming on location was an incredible experience. The people of Uganda could not have been more friendly, 欢迎, and eager to share their stories. Everyone we met was so positive, and our whole team had such a great time just getting to know the community. We were all blown away with the creativity from the kids, as they shared their upcycled toys and instruments.

The artist in the documentary emphasizes the importance of reusing trash. What motivated his focus, and what impact do you hope it will have on viewers?

I think Reagan is motivated by the ability to empower the youth to create change in the community. He uses his creative skills to showcase that cleaning up their neighborhood can be fun and rewarding, and that trash is not just trash; it can be repurposed for a multitude of things. I hope that viewers can reframe their thinking when it comes to trash as well, and put less waste into landfills around the world.

How do you envision the future of waste management education, particularly in regions like Uganda, and what role do you see initiatives like this one playing in shaping it?

I think educating the youth on consumerism and waste is extremely important. Items and trash don’t just disappear when we throw them away; they have to go somewhere. So the less we can discard, the better, and the more awareness we can bring to our trash issue, the more creative solutions will arise. Initiatives like the Waste Management Education Project are incredible because one idea can spark more, and this program can be an example for many more in many different communities.

谢谢, Nikki!

C.M. Rubin and Nikki Hausherr

不要错过 Waste Management Education Project, 现已在星球课堂网络上直播. This film is curated by Planet Classroom.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾



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