全球搜索教育: 如何支持您的教育体系

“70% 在学生成绩的变化是由学校的控制之外的因素占。” — 查尔斯Ungerleider

查尔斯Ungerleider教授告诉我,他写他的书, 否则我们的孩子 — 我们是如何毁了我们的公立学校 (麦克莱兰 & 斯图尔特, 2004), 在完成不列颠哥伦比亚省教育部副部长的任期后. 对于 40 多年来,他从各种有利位置观察到的加拿大的教育体系: 作为教师, 教授, 受托人, 亲, and deputy minister. 在此期间, 他看着基本上是成功的加拿大教育系统变得如此不堪重负与不断增长的需求, 他认为,该系统将最终崩溃,除非预期进行了适当的重新考虑.

Charles Ungerleider is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of British Columbia. He is also Director of Research and Managing Director of Directions, Evidence and Policy Research Group. 本周 全球搜索教育, 他讨论了我们的大画面的问题,并分享了他对如何培育和支持一个成功的教育体系的意见. (编者按: 加拿大目前排名前 10 在所有的PISA考试科目的国家, 领先的U好. S.)


有传统的社会发展和国家建设的任务之间存在着内在的紧张在教育, and the post war development of human capital and international economic competition. The extreme post war emphasis on economic development is a burden on public schools because the ability to compete economically with other nations is not entirely, 甚至大多, dependent upon the education system.

我塞得满满的一点点,当人们在谈论全球竞争力, 因为我担心我们专注于全球经济的竞争力和牺牲社会和文化发展. Every society wrestles with the question of what kind of an educational system it will create to realize its vision of itself as a nation. I worry about an education system that cultivates its human capital to produce economically and ignores the social and cultural development of its people.


我不是标准化测试对手, but I am an opponent of high stakes standardized testing. I am opposed to punishing schools and teachers on the basis of standardized testing results and depriving them of the resources they need to improve learning. Anyone who thinks about assessment will recognize that a child’s performance on any given assessment is the cumulative expression of all their prior learning, not just what happened that year or in that school. 此外, 70% 在学生成绩的变动计入因素对学校的控制之外. 只有约 30% 在学生成绩的差异是由于学校的相关因素, 只有约一半的人是那些我们可以解释.

认识到 70/30 ratio has two important implications for those who wish to improve student achievement. 第一, 评估的出发点, not the end point. What you have to be able to do is identify school factors amenable to policy influence that are capable of affecting change in student achievement. 二, 如果他们辅以政策支持家庭和社区,你会最大限度地提高了学校的努力带来的好处, 如生活工资, 同值同酬, 慷慨的产假和育儿叶, 实惠的一天,学校的护理后,, 等.


“我担心我们的教育体系培养的人力资本产生经济上,而忽略了人的社会和文化发展。” — 查尔斯Ungerleider



The most important thing is the teachers in the classroom. You are not going to do anything of any serious consequence to improve student achievement or accomplish any serious educational purpose without ensuring that you have well-educated, well-prepared professionals in the classroom. It is not the material or the way schools are organized, but the teacher who makes most of the difference in the school’s contribution to student achievement. Excellent teaching means recruiting people who have the requisite knowledge and dispositions to the tasks, 并支付他们很好.


最初的专业准备教师收到, 那发生在其职业生涯的过程中,继续职业教育, influence their performance. Despite improvement over time, 教师应接受的准备更受意识形态不是证据引导, and is not commensurate with the challenges that teachers face. Teacher certification authorities could help by strengthening the standards by which applicants for initial certification are evaluated and by applying standards that ensure currency of professional knowledge and practice.


This is the first generation in the history of mental health statistics where the mental health of the kids is not superior to that of their seniors. It is much harder to grow up today. We had a more nurturing and respectful notion of child rearing in the past.

作为一个社会, we are not as concerned about the young as we once were. The attention of the community has moved away from being nurturing and raising the young to how am í 干. Am í 将是所有的权利? 和, 怎么我的孩子的成绩反映 ?

We need to equip kids with the dispositions and the knowledge that they need in order to thrive in a changing world. We also need to think about the dispositions that people need to live in community with others, to contribute socially and culturally to their communities. For this, 一个充满爱心和培育的环境是非常重要的.

除了解决贫困学生的家庭和经济问题, 什么是主要的步骤,你将采取改善这些学生的学术能力?

Students living in impoverished circumstances often exhibit inadequate school readiness. There are a number of policies that will help to address the problems:

Ø装备幼儿园教室玩具和适当的学习材料的数字, 颜色, 和形状. o Provide opportunities for students to develop fine motor skills. o Encourage oral expression. Ensure that teachers answer students’ 问题, 听他们的讲话, 他们的要求作出回应, and help them demonstrate some achievement. Provide an environment in which children are emotionally supported and teachers use complex vocabulary and sentences in their communication with them. o Ensure that teachers take children out of school to explore the community and to visit neighborhood institutions. o Ensure that teachers display the products of student school work in visible places within the school and in the community. Ø辖的诊断评估 (1) 音素意识, (2) 词汇, (3) 字母命名, 和 (4) 一字一句读; 提供干预措施,以解决赤字确定, 并确保教师专注于这些领域的不足之处, 监督学生的学习进度,直到学生始终达到或超过年级的期望.


1. We should be concerned about an educational system that cultivates its human capital to produce economically and ignores the social and cultural development of its people.

2. 70% of the variation in student achievement is attributable to factors outside of the control of schools. Successful education depends upon complementary social policies.

3. The most important factor that affects student achievement is the teachers in the classroom. 4. Professional preparation and ongoing education of teachers are essential factors in teacher performance.

查尔斯Ungerleider和C教授. M. 鲁宾



全球搜索教育, 将C. M. 鲁宾和全球知名的思想领袖,包括迈克尔·巴伯爵士 (英国), 何. 莱昂特司特因 (美国), 何. 琳达·达林 - 哈蒙德 (美国), 何. 马达夫查万 (印度), 迈克尔·富兰教授 (加拿大), 霍华德·加德纳教授 (美国), 伊冯娜赫尔曼教授 (荷兰), 克里斯汀Helstad教授 (挪威), 玫瑰Hipkins教授 (新西兰), 科妮莉亚Hoogland教授 (加拿大), 太太. 尚塔尔考夫曼 (比利时), 多米尼克·拉方丹教授 (比利时), 休·劳德教授 (英国), 本·莱文教授 (加拿大), 巴里McGaw教授 (澳大利亚), Ř教授. 纳塔拉詹 (印度), 斯瑞达拉贾戈帕兰 (印度), 肯·罗宾逊爵士 (英国), 帕西SAHLBERG教授 (芬兰), 安德烈亚斯·施莱歇 (PISA, 经合组织), 何. 大卫·谢弗 (美国), 何. 基尔斯滕都沉浸式 (挪威), 总理斯蒂芬·SPAHN (美国), 伊夫Theze (公立中学美语), 查尔斯Ungerleider教授 (加拿大), 托尼·瓦格纳教授 (美国), 迪伦Wiliam教授 (英国), 西奥Wubbels教授 (荷兰), 迈克尔·杨教授 (英国), 和张民选教授 (中国) 因为他们探索所有国家今天面临的大画面的教育问题. 全球搜索教育社区页面

ç. M. 鲁宾是两个广为传诵的在线系列,她接受了笔者 2011 厄普顿·辛克莱奖, “全球搜索教育”和“如何将我们阅读?“她也是三本畅销书, 其中 真正的爱丽丝梦游仙境.

按照ç. M. 鲁宾在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
