A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: O Top 10

The Global Search for Education series takes important issues related to global education and gives them context.” — Adam Steiner

Diane Ravitch, Howard Gardner, Sir Ken Robinson, PAK NG, Pasi Sahlberg, Tony Wagner, Yong Zhao, Krista Lark, Peter North Backa, Randi Weingarten, Jonathan Jansen, Michael Fullan e Andy Hargreaves, entre outros, have been chosen for our first Pesquisa Global para a Educação Topo 10 Lista.

We asked Adam Steiner, a technology integration specialist for the Holliston Public Schools in Holliston, Massachusetts and a doctoral researcher at Boston College, to make an assessment of the over 250 interviews we’ve published and give us his view of our top ten articles.

Adam is the co-author with Elizabeth Stringer Keefe of a forthcoming book on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) e Tecnologia (scheduled release date of March 2015 from Rowman & Littlefield). He joins me to discuss the Top 10 in today’s edition of A Pesquisa Global para a Educação.

Adam, I like your first selectionmy 2012 interview with Diane Ravitch. How have A Pesquisa Global para a Educação articles helped you as an educator?

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação series takes important issues related to global education and gives them context. Given the various threads of my personal and professional life, the interviews have helped to put it all in a broader context and give it a larger meaning.

Como um professor, seu 2012 interview with Diane Ravitch, em particular, represents the need for teaching to remain a respected profession. I know that my first few years of teaching were such a challenge and would have been impossible if I felt the community did not respect my work. Diane Ravitch rightly argues that a well-respected teaching profession requires higher expectations for teachers and stricter requirements for entry into the profession.

1. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: A Educação Debate 2012 with Diane Ravitch

Diane Ravitch rightly argues that a well-respected teaching profession requires higher expectations for teachers and stricter requirements for entry into the profession.” — Adam Steiner

Can I assume that the articles you selected as Nos. 2 e 3 on your list are related to your experience as a technology integration specialist?

Absolutamente. Over the past five years, my professional focus has shifted from classroom teacher to technology integration specialist. My particular focus has been on the use of assistive technology in partnership with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to support inclusive classrooms. Singapore is an amazing example of a country that is using technology to help transform its educational system and there is no better person to speak to this than Pak Tee Ng, Professor at the University of Singaporethe best known expert on the Singaporean education system. He emphasizes that Singapore is seeking out uses of technology that transform teaching and not just prop up traditional modes. Tony Wagner continues this theme in my third choice when he talks about technology as a source of pedagogical transformation. In your interview, Tony talks about visiting a school system that had invested tens of thousands in interactive whiteboards in classrooms. Despite the innovative technology, the teaching had not changedthe devices were simply being used as sophisticated test prep tools. Como especialista em integração de tecnologia, Encontro-me promover e apoiar a aquisição de tecnologia em sala de aula. No entanto, Também estou constantemente verificando para garantir que meu trabalho é promover o ensino inovador e não apenas equipamentos.

2. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Got Tecnologia? – Singapura com Pak Tee Ng

3. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Tecnologia Educação com Tony Wagner

Fiquei satisfeito que a minha entrevista com Yong Zhao fez nenhuma. 4 em sua lista. Como um pesquisador da educação, O que lhe interessou mais sobre este artigo?

China is on a continual journey of self-examination of its own schools. There is no better guide in this irony than Yong Zhao, University of Oregon Professor and expert on the Chinese educational system. Dr. Zhao emphasized efforts to lessen the gap between wealthy and poor, powerful and powerless, a topic that has huge implications for the United States and our disturbing inequality. He described a pernicious selection of students into a hierarchical arrangement of schools and a need for a broad cultural shift that would measure the value of a school intrinsically rather than in comparison to other schools. The growing emphasis on large-scale standardized testing in the US would seem to run contrary to this effort.

4. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Focus on China with Yong Zhao

Jonathan Jansen’s South African experience has powerful ramifications for any country looking to make significant reform. He emphasizes the importance of approaching reform with an eye toward systemic change rather than tackling issues in a piecemeal fashion.” — Adam Steiner

Não. 5 em sua lista – a look at Finland’s education system for inspiration in the Global Search série.

I had the privilege to hear Dr. Pasi Sahlberg speak at Boston College and this interview illuminated several of the topics he discussed. Three points hit home with me. Primeiro, A Finlândia fez um investimento maciço no ensino de tal forma que a profissão é agora um dos mais cobiçados empregos no país. Segundo, há uma ênfase na educação equitativa que atinge cada criança, em vez de em escolas particulares ou semi-públicos boutique. Terceiro, bem-estar emocional é avaliado em mais resultados de testes. Meu medo é que os Estados Unidos está se movendo precisamente na direção oposta em todas as três frentes.

5. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mais foco na Finlândia com Pasi Sahlberg

I was very pleased that you nominated my interview with Jonathan Jansen for the Top 10.

Jonathan Jansen’s South African experience has powerful ramifications for any country looking to make significant reform. He emphasizes the importance of approaching reform with an eye toward systemic change rather than tackling issues in a piecemeal fashion. Jansen also emphasizes the public-private partnership as key to making significant change.

6. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Educação é meu direito – South Africa with Jonathan Jansen

Como pai, I know fun and learning resonates with you.

Helping my children with their homework, driving them to a soccer or gymnastics practice, or watching them listen to music or draw a picturesometimes I feel overwhelmed with the many hats I wear, but there have been several interviews in the Global Search series that have helped me to manage these competing needs. This sixth interview I selected looked at technology andfun learningwith several Finnish education leaders, including Krista Kiuru, Ministro finlandês da Educação e Ciência, and Peter Vesterbacka and Sanna Lukander of Rovio Entertainment, the creators of Angry Birds. We need to find ways for our kids to learn and to discover in fun and interesting ways. This is a challenge given the nature of elementary school education these days. How to find time forfun learningwhen there is so much math and literacy-focused homework to do?

7. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Fun and Learning with Krista Kiuru, Peter North Backa, Sanna Lukander

Howard Gardner covers a great deal of territory in this interview, from the role of the federal government in education to teacher education to charter schools, but what stands out most to me is his statement: “…education in the arts needs no justification in terms of ‘transfer’ para outros assuntos ou para sua geração de riqueza; é um "bom’ in itself.” — Adam Steiner

Howard Gardner had more to do with inspiring the Global Search series than he will ever knowtell me about no. 8 em sua lista.

8. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: A Educação Debate 2012 with Howard Gardner

Howard Gardner covers a great deal of territory in this interview, from the role of the federal government in education to teacher education to charter schools, but what stands out most to me is his statement: “…education in the arts needs no justification in terms of ‘transfer’ para outros assuntos ou para sua geração de riqueza; é um "bom’ in itself.This is a powerful reminder that we need to build in time for our kids to enjoy the arts. If schools are going to put primary emphasis on English and math skills, this becomes even more important.

We couldn’t have a Top 10 list without Sir Ken Robinson.

You had an amazing conversation with Sir Ken Robinson, in which he describes the arts as a discipline in the same way that math, science and English are disciplines. It adds another layer to Howard Gardner’s argument about the importance of the arts. Sir Ken also emphasizes the value of approaching art and other subjects in an interdisciplinary fashion.

9. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: More Arts Please with Sir Ken Robinson

Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves have contributed so much great work to this serieswhy did you select this particular interview about the teaching profession?

Para mim, teaching has been too often a lonely profession. I have felt that my development as a professional was distinctly separate from the needs of my colleagues. este Global Search entrevista, em particular, addressed this loneliness and the need to improve the profession of teaching with a collective, collaborative approach. It approached the topic from the practical side by engaging Randi Weingarten, Presidente da Federação Americana de Professores, and from the scholarly side by connecting with Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan, professors and researchers on the cutting edge of educational change.

10. A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Em busca de profissionais – Parte 1 with Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Randi Weingarten

C. M. Rubin and Adam Steiner

All photos are courtesy of Gallery De Buck, Nova Iorque. The artist is Sanna Kannisto. The series is called: Trust and suspicion, 2014. Para mais informações.


.Junte-se a mim e líderes de renome mundial, incluindo Sir Michael Barber (Reino Unido), Dr. Michael Bloco (EUA), Dr. Leon Botstein (EUA), Professor Clay Christensen (EUA), Dr. Linda, Darling-Hammond (EUA), Dr. MadhavChavan (Índia), Professor Michael Fullan (Canadá), Professor Howard Gardner (EUA), Professor Andy Hargreaves (EUA), Professor Yvonne Hellman (Holanda), Professor Kristin Helstad (Noruega), Jean Hendrickson (EUA), Professor Rose Hipkins (Nova Zelândia), Professor Cornelia Hoogland (Canadá), Honrosa Jeff Johnson (Canadá), Senhora. Chantal Kaufmann (Bélgica), Dr. EijaKauppinen (Finlândia), Secretário TapioKosunen Estado (Finlândia), Professor Dominique Lafontaine (Bélgica), Professor Hugh Lauder (Reino Unido), Professor Ben Levin (Canadá), Senhor Ken Macdonald (Reino Unido), Professor Barry McGaw (Austrália), Shiv Nadar (Índia), Professor R. Natarajan (Índia), Dr. PAK NG (Cingapura), Dr. Denise Papa (US), Sridhar Rajagopalan (Índia), Dr. Diane Ravitch (EUA), Richard Wilson Riley (EUA), Sir Ken Robinson (Reino Unido), Professor PasiSahlberg (Finlândia), Professor Manabu Sato (Japão), Andreas Schleicher (PISA, OCDE), Dr. Anthony Seldon (Reino Unido), Dr. David Shaffer (EUA), Dr. Kirsten Immersive Are (Noruega), Chanceler Stephen Spahn (EUA), Yves Theze (LyceeFrancais EUA), Professor Charles Ungerleider (Canadá), Professor Tony Wagner (EUA), Sir David Watson (Reino Unido), Professor Dylan Wiliam (Reino Unido), Dr. Mark Wormald (Reino Unido), Professor Theo Wubbels (Holanda), Professor Michael Young (Reino Unido), e Professor Minxuan Zhang (China) como eles exploram as grandes questões da educação imagem que todas as nações enfrentam hoje. A Pesquisa Global para Educação Comunitária Página

C. M. Rubin é o autor de duas séries on-line lido pelo qual ela recebeu uma 2011 Upton Sinclair prêmio, “A Pesquisa Global para a Educação” e “Como vamos Leia?” Ela também é autora de três livros mais vendidos, Incluindo The Real Alice no País das Maravilhas, é o editor de CMRubinWorld, e é um Disruptor Fundação Fellow.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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