全球搜索教育: 得到技术? IB学校在虚拟世界

“学校是这个新时代的前沿, 它是我们所有人都有责任去教育我们如何将青少年从被数字原生数字公民, 与所有的意味着责任和义务。” — 安东尼·塞尔顿, 惠灵顿学院

The recent bi-annual IB World Conference in Buenos Aires brought together heads of International Baccalaureate schools to discuss how technology is changing the way we think about teaching and learning. An innovative and provocative agenda engaged global educational leaders in discussions about the challenges faced with integrating technology into education. 查尔斯·法德尔, 创办人 & 该中心的课程重新设计董事长, 让我们眼花缭乱用切割注定要进一步转变我们的世界边缘的机器人的发明. 这让我想知道 – 多久,我们得到了之前计算机有足够的力量超过所有人类在地球上的思维能力? Charles notes that “当涉及到人类VS. 电脑教孩子, 在可预见的未来, teachers are totally irreplaceable if they do their job right. Education requires personalized delivery at a high non-routine skill level, 这是不会被电脑任何时间很快完成。” 何. 湿婆库玛丽, 其被任命为新的IB总干事生效一月 1, 2014, 评论说, “影响世界的发展趋势中,我们生活和工作的转变学生的学习方式和IB独特的定位来支持这一转变。” What do the heads of some of the world’s great IB schools think about the impact of technological advances? I chatted with Maria Barberis (主, 马林卡门Arriola学院, 阿根廷), 大卫·加纳 (头, 印第安纳国际学校), 安东尼·塞尔顿 (主, 惠灵顿学院, 英国), 和凯文Skeoch (头, 德怀特学校首尔) 得到他们的观点.

“我们致力于全面的教育,这需要高度的关注社会情感问题。” — 大卫·加纳, 印第安纳国际学校

Research shows higher engagement and better retention when students use technology. How has technology impacted your classrooms? How do you predict your model will change five years from now?

大卫·加纳: 首先, we should consider what “学习” 是. Are we talking about a finite set of information that students need to memorize and retain? I’d suggest that’s an outdated concept, 并使用技术来支持它可能是之前出了什么改善, 但不是显著的进步.

我们已经制定了一个对一台苹果笔记本电脑计划,让学生在年级 6 以上, with computer labs and iPads for younger students. This supports our aim to create an inquiry-based and student-centered learning environment. Inquiry-based approaches are closely aligned with constructivist theory – 我们 “创造知识” 因为我们研究, 探索和头脑风暴, rather than memorize a set of knowledge that is presented to us. It’s more focused on developing skills for life long learning rather than merely content – 分析关键技能, 比较, 对比, 假设到, 总结, 到达的复杂主题的理解. 科技让学生能够访问广泛的信息来源真实, 在各种媒体呈现. This is excellent for our more project-based work where we want students to research a central question. 大体, the inquiry-based approach is more engaging. Technology can add to that significantly, 并允许学习和发现独立采取课堂地点和老师.

We are committed to holistic education and this requires a high level of attention to socio-emotional matters. This is why I think that while technology will improve student engagement and ultimately the quality of learning, 我们仍然需要学校开展的社会情感功能.

安东尼·塞尔顿: Things are changing so quickly now that even planning one year ahead seems almost self-defeating. 我们有, 然而,, made huge strides here in terms of creating a coherent digital strategy which harnesses the best ideas from leading practitioners in the field. Appointing a senior member of staff who is passionate about the transformative effect that technology can have on learning has also been key, 但我们不能过分乐观的有关技术: 有些东西可以用一个iPad的一本书,而不是做得更好. Google tools can promote collaborative learning but there is also no substitute for face-to-face teaching which emphasizes how essential human learning is. 所以,, 我是技术的粉丝, 我们已经把大量资源投入使这个学校,这是非常有文化的数字, 我相信,我们的教学受益,因为这样, but I would caution against seeing it as a panacea which can solve fundamental issues. A poor teacher doesn’t become an outstanding teacher simply because they know their way around an iPad.

玛丽亚巴尔贝里斯: 技术明显增加了激励标准,在很大程度上教师和学生之间的. 它给我们带来的知识获取最新, 提高学生’ 演示,使他们的学习过程中一个多维1. 目前, Moodle的, 策划和学生编辑视频演示, 博客, 交互式的Web页, wikis and others are being used. We believe that five years from now the main change will be in personal devices. 我们现在看到的增加,在使用平板电脑和智能手机. 我们计划把新的技术,因为它们出现.

凯文Skeoch: Seoul can boast the fastest Internet connection in the world and technology appears to be one of its greatest exports. 这说, the technology in the taught curriculum is not always matching with technology in the real world. Technology is very much created by an educated class that has surpassed the critical mass of those responsible for supporting it. Technology is therefore best developed through students who use and manipulate it as I once did a typewriter or traditional library. For my students, 未来不能说没有使用电话, computers and technology in the classroom. We have to embrace this technology. Dwight school Seoul is a BYOD school for this reason in grades 6-12. 然而, 尽管我的愿望或梦想, the reality that technology is abused and misused by students remains our concern. The reality is that as much as we try to open the use of technology, 这是教师和学校强制关闭法律, 父母, 社会乃至个人原因.

“教师需要适应和发展这两个他们的教学方法和授课内容。” — 凯文Skeoch, 德怀特学校首尔

如何将教师的角色转变,在数字化时代? Will that role be different 5 从现在起十年?

凯文Skeoch: Students are growing up in the digital age and teachers need to adapt and evolve both their teaching techniques and the content taught. Do students need to be able to do manual arithmetic when every device now has a built-in calculator app? Another example of this is spelling: 与拼写检查器的演变, 做学生需要再被教拼写? The life skills that a modern student needs are very different to those needed 20 几年前.

安东尼·塞尔顿: 因为它是现在,让您的积极变化的好老师这样一支部队的素质将在五年内同, and has always been. Technology is a help, 但在一定程度上应该“融化’ so that nothing comes between the student and the learning. The best lessons I’ve seen, 在一个技术丰富的环境,如惠灵顿, 是其中的技术已被用于, 但兴奋的是所有关于学习, 和想法. A great lesson on Shakespeare, 例如, 其中类使用了谷歌论坛, 或文档, 协同工作, 应该, 我希望, 让他们兴奋莎士比亚的天才, 而不是工具,他们使用.

大卫·加纳: Moving from the ‘sage on the stage’ 在“上侧导板”. Teacher as facilitator of learning. The teachers need to be reasonably tech-savvy (许多人不!).

在美国整个国家都采用了数字教科书. 大学图书馆正在成为数字内容库. What will your students’ 教科书样子 5 从现在起十年?

大卫·加纳: We have not yet made the switch to digital textbooks. The IB inquiry-based and trans-disciplinary approach to learning encourages the teacher to create materials and students to conduct their own research rather than depend on “教科书”, 因此教科书并不为中心的日常学习在学校与更传统的计划. (这里的悖论是,采用数字技术提供一个传统的课程是不是真的在学习上有质的进步。) 我希望数字教科书将课本难认, 而将注意力集中到具体的概念或疑虑的更多方式, 并帮助学生找到解决这些问题的多种方式.

安东尼·塞尔顿: There is no doubt that they will be important in the future. To be able to study, 说, 二战, 并有多媒体正确的,在你面前, is tremendously exciting. Textbooks that allow students of different ability ranges to progress so that they can shape their own programmes, 将是令人兴奋, 并有可能变革, developments. 当然, 这在很大程度上带有一个警告: 如何经济实惠的将是这个? iPads are still out of range for many schools and students, 和物理教科书更耐用, 和更健壮的, than a tablet. Go into a chemistry laboratory with a group of 13 岁,问自己: 我会很高兴有 30 解锁iPhone和iPad在这里? Possibly not. Things will evolve, 但, 就像点燃和其他电子书阅读器, 他们将补充教材, 但可能不会取代它们.

玛丽亚巴尔贝里斯: 数字化学习工具在使用左右 20% 的情况下,今天我们学校. 我们相信,在五年内我们所有的教科书可能是数字, 提供了必要的内部协定达成.

“技术明显增加了激励标准,教师和学生之间的大幅调整。” — 玛丽亚巴尔贝里斯, 马林卡门Arriola学院


大卫·加纳: 硬件 (学生和教师与无线的MacBooks和iPads) 和软件提供了更多选择在工作和学习方式, and place vastly more resources at everyone’s fingertips. The curriculum can be more easily planned, 记录, 审查和映射 – especially important when we are encouraging interdisciplinary projects. Technology seems to support positive collaborative work.

玛丽亚巴尔贝里斯: 技术增强了对内容的访问,提高学生的学习兴趣和创造力.

研究表明,平板电脑, 手机, Internet sources and social media platforms continue to infiltrate classrooms in the US rapidly. To what extent are these tools used in your classrooms?

大卫·加纳: Because we have a one-to-one laptop (苹果) 政策 (等级 6 向上) 一般提供良好的iPad和固定电脑的年轻学生, 我们不大量使用手机, although these are not banned and students may well use them as a more nimble alternative to the laptops on occasions. We are not making good, 积极使用社交媒体, 这就是我们正在寻找的区域.

Schools need to get ahead of these media and lead the way. I don’t think age has anything to do with it. All social media use by students as part of their school program needs to be appropriately monitored.

凯文Skeoch: We encourage students to use age appropriate devices in the classrooms, 其中包括笔记本电脑, 平板电脑和智能手机. 对于年轻的学生将是​​平板电脑的年龄适当的设备 (解锁iPhone和iPad), 和年长的学生必须携带笔记本电脑 (BYOD政策). SNS可用于在被监视的环境中使用, 然而,SNS是不允许在上课时使用. 学生须签署IT用户合同和监测滥用这些服务, 例如. 网络欺凌, 访问不恰当的材料, 赌博.

安东尼·塞尔顿: 有些老师用比其他所有的这些更, and it isn’t only the younger members of staff doing this. Many of our middle leaders – 部门首长 – are spreading good practice. Twitter is used by many students and staff as an essential learning tool. 我们对教师的指导与Facebook的合作.

我们敏锐地意识到网络欺凌, 通过Facebook, and it is something we have to face all too often. We have to educate our young people to behave online responsibly, 这意味着员工必须看到,技术是解放,但, 正如我们最近看到的, it is not without its hidden dangers. I believe we are at the beginning of a new age of intellectual enlightenment, 和MOOC的是这个繁荣的新思路非常高调的表现, 但学校是这个新时代的前沿, 它是我们所有人都有责任去教育我们如何将青少年从被数字原生数字公民, 与所有的暗示的责任制和问责制.

有关查尔斯·法德勒更多信息: HTTP://curriculumredesign.org/about/team/

惠灵顿学院: http://www.wellingtoncollege.org.uk/

印第安纳国际学校: http://www.isind.org/

德怀特学校首尔: http://www.dwight.or.kr/

马林卡门Arriola学院: HTTP://www.marin.esc.edu.ar/

最上面一排从左到右: ç. M. 鲁宾, 安东尼·塞尔顿, 玛丽亚巴尔贝里斯
下排左至右: 湿婆库玛丽, 查尔斯·法德尔, 凯文Skeoch, 大卫·加纳

照片是礼貌威灵顿学院, 印第安纳国际学校, 德怀特学校首尔和马林的卡门Arriola学院.

在得到技术的更多文章? 系列: 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 芬兰, 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 加拿大, 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 澳大利亚, 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 新加坡, 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 美国, 全球搜索教育: 得到技术? – 阿根廷


在全球寻找教育, 和我一样,全球知名的思想领袖,包括迈克尔·巴伯爵士 (英国), 何. 迈克尔座 (美国), 何. 莱昂特司特因 (美国), 克莱克里斯坦森教授 (美国), 何. 琳达·达林 - 哈蒙德 (美国), 何. 马达夫查万 (印度), 迈克尔·富兰教授 (加拿大), 霍华德·加德纳教授 (美国), 安迪·哈格里夫斯教授 (美国), 伊冯娜赫尔曼教授 (荷兰), 克里斯汀Helstad教授 (挪威), 让·亨德里克森 (美国), 玫瑰Hipkins教授 (新西兰), 科妮莉亚Hoogland教授 (加拿大), 这位杰夫·约翰逊 (加拿大), 太太. 尚塔尔考夫曼 (比利时), 何. Eija Kauppinen (芬兰), 国务秘书塔皮奥Kosunen (芬兰), 多米尼克·拉方丹教授 (比利时), 休·劳德教授 (英国), 本·莱文教授 (加拿大), 主肯麦克唐纳 (英国), 巴里McGaw教授 (澳大利亚), 希夫纳达尔 (印度), Ř教授. 纳塔拉詹 (印度), 何. 吴PAK (新加坡), 何. 丹尼斯教皇 (美国), 斯瑞达拉贾戈帕兰 (印度), 何. 黛安·拉维奇 (美国), 理查德·威尔逊·赖利 (美国), 肯·罗宾逊爵士 (英国), 帕西SAHLBERG教授 (芬兰), 押尾佐藤教授 (日本), 安德烈亚斯·施莱歇 (PISA, 经合组织), 何. 安东尼·塞尔顿 (英国), 何. 大卫·谢弗 (美国), 何. 基尔斯滕都沉浸式 (挪威), 总理斯蒂芬·SPAHN (美国), 伊夫Theze (公立中学法语美国), 查尔斯Ungerleider教授 (加拿大), 托尼·瓦格纳教授 (美国), 大卫·沃森爵士 (英国), 迪伦Wiliam教授 (英国), 何. 马克沃莫尔德 (英国), 西奥Wubbels教授 (荷兰), 迈克尔·杨教授 (英国), 和张民选教授 (中国) 因为他们探索所有国家今天面临的大画面的教育问题. 全球搜索教育社区页面

ç. M. 鲁宾是两个广为传诵的在线系列,她接受了笔者 2011 厄普顿·辛克莱奖, “全球搜索教育” 和 “我们将如何阅读?” 她也是三本畅销书, 其中 真正的爱丽丝梦游仙境.

按照ç. M. 鲁宾在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
